Posted on May 27, 2014
Who is The Best Cardiologist in NYC
Our knowledge of heart health is always growing. Recently, the medical community began re-examining how we diagnose and treat heart disease. Now, it is no longer recommended that everyone-no matter their risk level-see a cardiologist. NYC clinics want to take a long hard look at risk factors first. 
The question a lot of patients are left with is: what if you know you are already at elevated risk for heart disease because of your family history? Well, it’s time to make that appointment you’ve been putting off – the appointment with a preventive cardiologist.
Confusion – the Enemy of Heart Health
Nearly 800,000 people die of heart-related complications every year. Most of us know that heart disease is the number one killer in the United States. What you may not know is 4 out of 5 deaths are preventable.
Your diet not only has a good chance at preventing heart disease, but making dietary changes can reverse ill effects and noticeably lower your risk of heart trouble, even if it’s hereditary. Diet is where a good preventive cardiologist starts.
Unfortunately, proper nutrition is where a lot of patients get confused. Not unlike suckers; there’s a new weight loss fad born every minute. Many of these “weight busting” meal plans conflict with each other. How do you know if you’re making heart healthy choices? Bring in an expert authority on the subject.
What Heart Health Really Looks Like
There’s one prevailing authority in cardiology. NYC doctors and doctors around the country turn to this resource for answers. The American Heart Association (AHA) sets the standard for premier cardiac care, this includes dietary rules.
According to WebMD, here are the basics of an AHA approved diet:
- Eat a diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fiber.
- Eat fish at least twice a week.
- Limit how much saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol you eat. Only 30% of your daily calories should come from fat, with very little of that from saturated fats.
- Select fat-free, 1% fat, and low-fat dairy products.
- Cut back on foods containing partially hydrogenated vegetable oils to reduce trans fat in your diet.
- Limit your salt intake.
Combine these simple rules with reasonable portion control, and you’re well on your way to taking preventative action.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on May 20, 2014
What To Consider When Choosing The Top Cardiologist in NYC
Did you know putting the keywords “cardiologist NYC” into a search engine can bring up as many as four different types? Being diagnosed with a heart problem comes with a lot of initial frustration and confusion. Even trying to narrow down the right specialist can seem impossible. 
It can be a struggle to find a good cardiologist. NYC has a lot of specialty healthcare options. Part of the problem is that patients do not consider specialty care until after signs or symptoms begin to surface. At that point, the doctor you choose makes a big difference in your ongoing health.
Differences even from a Similar Starting Point
Every heart doctor has training and education in both diagnostic and interventional cardiology. What they do with that training and education dictates the role they fill as a doctor.
The difference between the four types of cardiology is:
1. Some doctors perform heart surgery and spend time on duty in the hospital.
2. Some doctors work in the clinic or office diagnosing heart problems and designing treatment protocols for patients.
If you have a heart problem and you don’t know what the cause of the problem is, you’d most likely be evaluated by a clinically-based cardiologist NYC first. Depending on the results of the visit, which includes diagnostic tests, you will either proceed with the treatment protocol in place or be referred to the interventional cardiologist for more invasive, even surgical, treatment.
A Common Misconception
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that any doctor can do these things. A cardiologist NYC is specially trained to deal with heart-related issues. Other doctors can focus on the basics, but that doesn’t safeguard your heart health. A cardiologist can prevent, treat, and educate patients about heart disease.
The biggest thing to realize is: it is possible to live with heart disease. The communication between you and your doctors is a key component of that life balance. As long as you follow the instructions of your medical providers, you will be on your way to living the healthiest life possible.
As you can see, “cardiologist NYC” is a broad term for a very specialized field. If you need more help finding a specific doctor, ask your primary physician for reputable referrals.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on May 13, 2014
Who is The Best NYC Cardiologist in Manhattan
~~Your regular physician is usually the first to spot an abnormality or warning sign of heart disease. Depending on what that sign or symptom is, it may be treatable without the intervention of a cardiologist NYC. Certain warning signs can be treated with medication and lifestyle changes. 
Defining Next Steps
If this is not possible, or the condition is not responding to these remedies; it is time to see a cardiologist NYC. Your doctor will give you a referral to get the ball rolling. Your case may require additional tests to see and properly treat what going on. The result of those tests will determine the next steps you need to take.
Sometimes, underlying conditions can set off heart problems, even though nothing is wrong with the organ itself. Address the trigger and you can get rid of the secondary cardiac problems. There are simple steps that you can take to reduce the aggravating effects of certain health conditions, but you have to be willing not only to make lifestyle changes, but to stick with those changes. This can be a difficult commitment.
Sticking with Changes
People make excuses for not bettering their health all the time. The three biggest roadblocks to starting a heart-friendly diet are:
1. The perceived expense
2. The time it takes to prep meals
3. The lack of flavor to the meals
Luckily, the American Heart Association has come up with a rebuttal that eliminates the excuses.
Once you have a heart attack, you are 10 times more likely to have another one in 6 months. That risk increases exponentially if you aren’t taking care of yourself. This is not a gamble worth taking.
Look for the heart smart checkmark on the foods you buy. Until you get used to your new eating habits; shopping for the checkmark will make things easier. Also, quit smoking, don’t drink to excess and workout regularly. Those are some instantly applicable preventative measures.
The best heart specialists in Manhattan will support your efforts to prevent heart problems with supportive therapies, condition management, and further testing as needed. By working together to establish proper cardiac care, you can support and sustain your heart health. Taking an active role in your own health always matters.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on May 6, 2014
Who Are The Best Cardiologists in New York, New York
The best cardiologists have both a clinical and surgical role. They not only treat your heart condition in-office, but can also act as a consulting member of your surgical cardiac care team. 
Unless your cardiology consultants are trained in interventional methods, they cannot physically perform surgery, but they can be a resource for the heart surgeon and other members of the hospital team.
In addition, they oversee cardiac rehabilitation and long-term care for heart conditions. The extent of their role in these practices depends largely upon their specialty within the cardiology field.
How to Select the Right Specialist
Selecting the right consultant has a lot to do with what stage of the diagnostic process you find yourself in. If it’s the preliminary stage, the relationship you have with your cardiologist actually starts during your regular appointments with your general practitioner.
Your general practitioner can help manage minor risk factors for heart disease, but when those minor factors become major ones, cardiology consultants enter into the picture.
The first diagnostic stage is just that; trying to find out what is happening inside your heart. Depending on what the best cardiologists find, you may be in their care for the long-term, or you may be referred to a specially trained cardiologist.
Specialty Areas That Would Warrant Another Referral
Cardiologists who focus on the electrical system in the heart would help treat:
- Abnormal heart rhythms
- Atrial fibrillation
- Super Ventricular Tachycardia (SVT)
- And other rate and rhythm abnormalities that originate in electrical pulsation
An interventional cardiologist performs a wide range of heart surgeries to unblock and open up blood flow to the heart, among other functional means like murmur repair and valve replacement.
The best cardiologists working surgically can open up a blocked heart in roughly 60 minutes. The average is 90. This is vital to the survival and quality of life of a heart patient who has suffered a heart attack.
Rehab specialists are perhaps the unsung heroes of cardiology. They work with patients who are recovering from invasive heart surgery and give these patients a second chance at a heart healthy life while reducing their chances of repeated heart problems.
As you can see, cardiology consultants do a lot to aid in a particular type of patient care. If you are in need of services like these, please talk to your general practitioner and get a referral today.
The Top 5 Best Cardiologists in New York
Finding the best cardiologists in New York City is more difficult than you might realize. According to a recent survey by popular online review site, Angie’s List, there are more than 2,500 cardiologists who provide services not only in New York, but in the entire tri-state area.
How far did Angie’s List get in narrowing your options down? Try around 797 choices. At that rate, you’d be lucky to develop a shortlist in six months.
We’ve listed the five best cardiologists below. The ranking includes a few details about each cardiologist to help you understand more about what they do and how it pertains to your individual case:
Cardiologist #1: Dr. Jeffrey Moses-director of interventional cardiology at New York Presbyterian’s uptown and east side locations. Dr. Moses has performed more than 15,000 procedures in his prolific career. Over the last three years, he has built these programs into two of the most prestigious and recognized programs in the country.
Cardiologist #2: Dr. Samin Sharma-interventional cardiologist at Mount Sinai Medical Ctr., New York. This medical center performs nearly 6,000 life-saving cardiovascular procedures annually. Dr. Sharma is a top-rated, well-respected colleague in the field and continues to be on the cutting-edge of advancements in the fight against heart disease.
Cardiologist #3: Dr. Mark Seldon-Dr. Seldon is board certified in both internal medicine and cardiology, making him well-qualified to diagnose and treat diseases of the circulatory and cardiovascular system. He has received his education from elite local medical institutions, including Mount Sinai Medical Center. He has kept his affiliation to NYU over the span of a 35 year career.
Cardiologist #4: Dr. Fred Pasternak-comes highly recommended by patients. Known as a no-nonsense doctor, he is engaged in every interaction with patients, knowledgeable, punctual, and attentive.
Cardiologist #5: Dr. David Weinstock-has 26 years of experience in the field of cardiology. He is known for is diagnostic accuracy and comprehensive follow-up. He has 11 hospital affiliations and accepts most insurance coverage.
If one of the doctors listed here does not meet your needs, conduct more research using the state medical board website and local records offices. Whomever you choose, make sure they are properly certified, trained, and come highly-recommended.
Past, Present, & Future: Where your Specialist fits on the Cardiology Timeline
There are plenty of cardiologists to choose from, but to find the best of the best, you need to know more about exactly who it is you’re looking for.
Dr. Mark Seldon happens to be one of the premier heart doctors in the city. We will use his credentials and information to show you how to find a top-rated specialist.
Using a simple timeline-based approach, you can figure out if you’ve selected a premier heart doctor. First, look at the specialist’s past.
Dr. Seldon completed his education and medical training at NYU and Mount Sinai Medical Center. These are two of the best cardiology programs in the country. In fact, Dr. Seldon has kept his affiliation with NYU over the span of his 35 year career. Lasting connections and prestigious affiliations are one sign of a premier heart doctor.
Presently, cardiovascular treatment has greatly improved. One of the ways to figure out if your specialist is one of the best is to test their knowledge of available heart treatments.
Dr. Seldon will no doubt mention things like:
- Natural cholesterol-lowering foods and medications
- Secondary risks to heart health like osteoporosis and respiratory infection
- New detection methods for patients with a genetic predisposition to heart disease
- Cardiac catheterization performed through the wrist instead of the leg
- Over-the-counter drugs that can help improve heart health
- The latest advancements in heart attack treatment and rehab programs
Make note of the things that get mentioned during your appointment. Afterward, do some research on your own and find out just how much your specialist knows and how much of the information shared is relevant to your situation.
Where We are Headed
As far as the future is concerned, there are two places you can look to find out where your premier heart doctor fits into the picture:
- Recognition
- Research
Special honors, awards, and certifications are bestowed on top-rated specialists by their peers and colleagues.
Dr. Seldon not only has this recognition, he also continues to contribute to ongoing research projects that relate to heart health. This means that you will stay up-to-date on the most current information available regarding heart disease and that his expertise remains relevant in a rapidly changing area of the medical field.
Everything we’ve looked at today fits the model for finding the best cardiologists. Compare the specialists on your shortlist using this model.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on May 1, 2014
NYC Cardiologists and Cardiovascular Services
People often look at NYC cardiologist cost and reviews as a formality or just another hoop to jump through on your road to heart health. In fact, these reviews can be much more than that. They are really your first introduction into the heart healthy lifestyle. 
Making Successful Introductions
Remember, other patients – the patients who wrote the reviews – have been right where you are now. They know how confusing and scary this process can be; even when all you are trying to do is choose the right specialist.
Don’t forget to use their experience as a resource for you to draw on. Most of them will tell you that knowledge is one of the biggest benefits you can have post-diagnosis.
They can also help you narrow down what it is you’re looking for in a cardiologist in NYC.
There are a number of reasons to see a cardiologist. The first thing to figure out is whether or not you need heart surgery. This piece of the puzzle will tell you if you would be better served by an interventional cardiologist – a cardiologist who performs surgery.
Understanding the Options
If you are having signs and symptoms of emergent cardiac distress, like a heart attack, or preliminary testing shows that you have a serious heart condition in need of invasive treatment, you will be referred to a heart surgeon. Otherwise, you can see a clinical cardiologist for:
- Testing
- Diagnosis
- Treatment
- Condition management
There are many reasons a patient may feel pain or shortness of breath, some of which have nothing to do with heart disease.
Even restriction-related angina can be preventively treated, if it is caught early enough. One of the most important reasons to regularly see a heart specialist is heart attack rehabilitation.
The only way to find answers is to talk to a cardiologist. Don’t let your fears get the better of you. The only way to handle chest pain or a heart condition is to confront what is really going on and get help to treat it. Making an initial appointment is the first step in the right direction.
This is understandably nerve-wracking, but with the right support and advice, what was once a scary unknown can become familiar and manageable.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.