Your Trusted Cardiologist In NYC

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What Does it Cost to Make an Appointment With a Cardiologist

Checking your heart regularly is the best way to prevent any aggravation of a potential heart condition.  In many cases, going to a physician to check for heart problems can save your life. Heart tests are crucial for detecting any kind of heart disease and finding the right treatment. If you already have symptoms like chest discomfort, chest pain, shortness of breath, or irregular heartbeats, it is time to visit a cardiologist. But how much does a cardiologist appointment cost?

General Costs to See a CardiologistHow Do I Know The Right Time To See A Cardiologist

If you don’t have insurance, the price for a visit can be anywhere from $195 to $510. For this price, you get a consultation and a diagnosis. You could also get information about a possible treatment. The price can be influenced by your geographical location. The expertise of the doctor can also have an impact on costs. If you have insurance, you should ask your provider about the things that are covered in your policy. Each type of policy is different.

Extra Costs for the Performed Tests

The following tests can be performed:

  • EKG or ECG
  • Exercise EKG
  • Echocardiogram
  • Exercise Echo
  • Calcium scan
  • Holter Monitor

Not all of these tests are recommended as routine tests. The tests allow physicians to understand what causes the symptoms and how to develop a treatment. Physicians can also test the electrical system of your heart, the resistance to exercises, and the functionality of the valves. The price for one type of test (for any of the tests listed above) can start from $15 and can reach up to $500, depending on the complexity of the test. An EKG is affordable, costing between $15 and $30.

Make an Appointment with a Heart Doctor

Dr. Mark Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us 888.474.935.


Who is the Best Arrhythmia Doctor in NYC?

If you are concerned about heart disease, or if you have a history of heart arrhythmia in your family, it’s important to contact a qualified professional. A doctor who specializes in heart arrhythmia can give you the best care possible. If you are at risk of developing the disease, they can monitor you on a regular basis. An estimated 2 million Americans live with a heart arrhythmia.

What is Arrhythmiaheart-checkups-nyc

Arrhythmia is defined as an irregular, often rapid, heart rate. One of the most common types of arrhythmia is called Atrial Fibrillation, in which the upper chambers of the heart (the atria) don’t fully contract as they should; thus, blood doesn’t pump effectively through to the lower chambers of the heart.

Other types of arrhythmia include atria flutter (rapid heart rate but even electrical pulses), ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation (irregular heart rate).

There are many different causes of this type of heart disease, including lifestyle, family history of heart disease, and heart surgery.

While it can affect people of any age, it is more common for those over 60, particularly men.

Symptoms of Arrhythmia

Some people do not experience any symptoms, while others can feel their heart racing. These ‘episodes’ can last minutes, hours, or even days. If left untreated  it can progress to the point where the patient is in constant arrhythmia. Often, after an episode, patients feel fatigued, scared, and unsettled.


Because the blood isn’t getting pumped through the heart effectively, it can ‘pool’ and form clots. If the blood clot moves to the brain, it could cause a stroke. People with heart arrhythmia are five times more likely to suffer a stroke.

Finding the Best Arrhythmia Doctor

When it comes to finding the right professional, there are several factors to consider. You want to find a professional who has the experience and knowledge of heart disease, particularly arrhythmia. Since many cases have no symptoms, it’s important to detect signs of trouble early on if you suspect you may be at risk.

Finding the best arrhythmia doctor means getting to know them, their stats on how many cases they’ve treated, and understanding what kind of treatment they recommend.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at 888.474.9351.


NYC’s Best Doctor For Sharp Chest Pains

Did you just wake up with sharp chest pains? Or, were you having a night out on the town when you suddenly had to head home to rest? No matter when or how it happened, sharp chest pains are a serious issue and they should be addressed as soon as they happen.

Disclaimer: You cannot diagnose the cause of sharp chest pains from home; always consult with a doctor to make sure nothing more serious is going on. It doesn’t need to be an actual heart attack for the pain to turn deadly!

What can cause you to have sharp chest pains?best-heart-doctor-nyc

These pains could be caused for many reasons, such as:

  • Underlying heart problems, such as coronary artery disease, pericarditis, hypertrophic, and cardiomyopathy.
  • Complications of the lung, such as pleuritis, pneumonia, pneumothorax, and pulmonary embolism.
  • Issues with the gastrointestinal tract, such as acid reflux, esophageal contraction disorders, hypersensitivity or rupture, and pelptic ulcers.
  • Skeletal health issues, such as problems with the ribs (worse when breathing), strains of the muscles, and shingles.
  • Alternative causes, like anxiety, depression, drug use or abuse, excessive caffeine intake, panic attacks, and stress.

When should a sharp chest pain be taken seriously?


Falling short of getting stabbed by a knife, there are few cases where pains in the chest are easy to explain.

That said, you could experience a chest pain that goes away and comes back or persists for certain reasons. These pains could be subsided with time, and may not pose a serious threat, but it’s still important to have them diagnosed. Even more so, you should rush to the doctor if you experience any of these additional problems:

  • An unexpected pressure, squeeze, or feeling of tightness in the sternum area.
  • Furthering of the chest pains, reaching to the back, jaw, or left arm.
  • Difficulties with breathing, swallowing, or making any real physical effort.
  • A fever, cold chills and hot flashes, or coughing up gross (yellowish-green) mucus.
  • An ultra low heart rate or blood pressure reading.

These paired signs mean the problem could be more serious than you realize. Getting tested will could save your life, or at least give you peace of mind if it turns out to be nothing serious.

Best Doctor for Sharp Chest Pains

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.

Call us at 888.474.9351 


What is the Best Way to Get Rid of Afib?

Feeling that your heart is skipping a beat or racing is frightening.  When your heart doesn’t beat in a regular rhythm, you have atrial fibrillation, or Afib for short.

Why You Need to Get Rid of AfibIs Having High Blood Pressure Dangerous

Atrial Fibrillation means that the electrical impulses of your heart are not working in rhythm.  About one out of every four people experiences Afib, and it often is associated with other heart diseases. Afib causes your heart to be inefficient and can make you feel:

  • Dizzy
  • Lightheaded
  • Breathless
  • Fatigued

In addition, Afib can cause more serious problems like leg swelling or chest pain, and is the leading cause of strokes.

How to Get Rid of Afib

Keeping your heart healthy can help you get rid of Afib.  Here are some lifestyle changes which can help:

  • Lower your blood pressure by eating less salt, less sugar, and fewer processed foods.
  • Reduce or eliminate your use of stimulants like caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol.
  • Keep your weight in the right range for your height and age.
  • Exercise regularly and try to move more throughout the day.
  • Avoid stressful situations and activities.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
  • Get enough sleep each night.
  • If you have sleep apnea, get treatment.

Are Lifestyle Changes Enough to Eliminate Afib?

Any healthy lifestyle changes you make will help you control Afib.  However, lifestyle changes may not be enough.  Many people with Afib may need blood thinners, medications, or other treatment.  Since Afib is a chronic disease which usually worsens over time, it is important to consult a doctor early on if you have symptoms.  Don’t assume that the lack of continuing symptoms means your Afib has gone away.  About 30% of Afib episodes are symptomless.

When You Should See a Cardiologist to Get Rid of Afib

If you have experienced unusual heart palpitations or felt your heart racing, you should make an appointment to see a cardiologist.  Sometimes getting rid of Afib requires rhythm controlling medications, or outpatient medical procedures like catheter ablation. Only an experienced specialist can determine whether you need further testing, medicine, or treatment.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at 888.474.9351.


4 of the Most Common Indicators of Heart Disease

Heart disease is quite a serious complication that can be potentially life threatening. If left untreated, it almost certainly causes death, but if detected early, patients can receive proper medical care and live long lives. Detection, however, is not as straight forward as many people imagine.

Short of a hospital visit and having the necessary tests run, you may not know if you have a heart complication or if you are at risk of developing it. There are some common symptoms which, though not automatic indicators, may generally mean that some form of heart disease exists.

Common Indicators of Heart Diseaseheart-checkups-nyc

The following four symptoms are some of the most common among persons suffering from heart disease.

  • Fatigue, shortness of breath, lightheadedness, dizziness, fainting(syncope), or near fainting
  • Chest pains
  • Swelling or pain in the legs and abdomen, and coldness in the arms, legs, or the narrowed parts of the body.
  • Irregular heartbeats, heart palpitations, racing heart (tachycardia), or a slow heartbeat(bradycardia)

Other symptoms that may indicate heart disease but are not as common may include:

  • Male pattern baldness at an early age
  • Yellow bumps or flat, wide plaques on the skin and around the elbows, buttocks, feet, hands, and knees
  • Gum disease

Risk Groups

Heart disease presents in people of all ages, races, social demographics, upbringing, and so on. There is, however, a higher likelihood of occurrence among people who lie in the following categories.

  • Middle aged persons and the elderly
  • People who don’t exercise regularly and/or engage in unhealthy eating habits
  • Persons suffering from obesity, or who are over-weight
  • Persons suffering from diabetes
  • Persons who have registered levels of high cholesterol and high triglycerides
  • Smokers
  • Sufferers of sleep apnea and anemia
  • People with a history of heart disease in their family history
  • Women who have suffered from preeclampsia during pregnancy
  • People who are stressed, suffering from depression, or broken heart symptom (especially post-menopausal women and older males)

In any case, if you display any of these symptoms, or fit into one or more of the above high-risk groups, you should visit a cardiologist and have the necessary tests done in order to find out about your heart condition.

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at 888.474.9351.


Who is The Top Cardiologist in NYC

When we talk about heart disease, we talk a lot about the patient; it’s a natural inclination. After all, they are the ones who will be dealing with condition management over the long haul, right? Turns out, that’s only partially correct. There is one affected group even loved ones tend to forget about: the caregivers.

Depending on the severity of your heart condition, caregivers are your first line of defense in leading a healthy life after diagnosis. These faithful individuals need support, too. They can find that support in a top cardiologist. NYC is full of resources not only for patients, but for their long-term caregivers.

Eat Your Way to a Healthier Heartcardiologist-nyc

One of the most difficult adjustments for patients to make is changing their diet. They tend to believe that heart healthy choices taste bad. In truth, easy substitutions you can make yourself help the transition to be tastefully done.

It is essential to get advice from a cardiologist. NYC specialists can help develop a plan. To give you an idea of what that plan might look like, here’s some dietary suggestions from WebMD:

1. Serve more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes. These foods may be one of the most powerful strategies in fighting heart disease.

2. Choose fat calories wisely by:

  • Limiting total fat grams.
  • Serving a minimum of saturated fats and trans-fats (for example, fats found in butter, salad dressing, sweets and desserts).
  • When using added fats for cooking or baking, choose oils that are high in monounsaturated fat (for example, olive and peanut oil) or polyunsaturated fat (such as fats found in soybean, corn and sunflower oils).

3. Serve a variety — and just the right amount — of protein-rich foods. Balance meals with lean meat, fish, and vegetable sources of protein.

4. Limit cholesterol consumption. Dietary cholesterol found in red meat and high-fat dairy products can raise blood cholesterol levels, especially in high-risk people.

5.Serve complex carbohydrates. Include foods like whole wheat pasta, whole-grain breads and sweet potatoes to add fiber and regulate blood sugar levels. Avoid simple carbohydrates like soda and sugary foods.

6. Serve meals regularly. By serving regular meals, you can help someone with heart disease control blood sugar, burn fat more efficiently, and regulate cholesterol levels.

Top Cardiologist in NYC

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at (212) 367-8000.


Where To Go in NYC for a Reliable Heart Screening

You probably have heard of one or several heart diseases at some point, and you possibly know what causes them. Most people have made an effort at becoming familiar with this topic because heart complications are quite serious. What may not be common knowledge is that doctors recommend you get your heart screened often.

Heart diseases have several symptoms that are general indicators that you may have any number of complications. This, however, is never a guarantee because the same indicators could be caused by completely different factors. The only sure way to know the status of your heart, and whether you have a heart condition, is to get a heart screening test.

Schedule a Heart Testcardiologist nyc, heart doctor nyc, cardiac testing

Whether you suspect you have a heart condition, or simply wish to know the condition of your heart, you will be looking for a trusted cardiologist, with whom you can arrange appointments that best suit your schedule.

Few heart doctors are as accommodating or efficient as Dr. Seldon. He has a practice spanning decades that has been built around quality patient care. For reliable heart screening tests in New York City, he is your best choice.

Additionally, you need not worry about your insurance provider, for all types are accepted at his office.

Screening Tests

Various tests are available to determine the condition of your heart. Here is a list of some tests that you may undergo.

  • EKG. Short for Electrocardiogram, this test measures the electoral activity of the heart over a period of time. This non invasive procedure can also measure any damage to the heart and its chambers as a result of drug abuse
  • Stress Test. This test measures how the heart copes with strenuous activity by exposing the patient to exercise or drug stimulation
  • Echocardiogram. Also called a cardiac echo, this test can show a great deal of information about the heart by creating two and three dimensional images of the heart.

Top Reliable Heart Screening in NYC

Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site.  Call us at 888.474.9351.

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