Cardiovascular procedures run the gamut from pacemaker implants to bypasses. These life-saving operations help patients achieve the healthiest heart possible, but what happens when you need a new heart all together? Rather than shy away from talking about a cardiac transplant; this article will help you face it head on. Once you know what to expect you will be better prepared for the procedure.
Risk factors of a heart transplant
All cardiovascular procedures have risks involved. Here are the three most common post-transplant complications.
1. Organ rejection; this is the biggest risk you will face after a heart transplant. Once your new heart is transplanted it sets off your body
No matter what prompted the increase in cases of heart disease; cardiology treatment means different things to different patients. That statement brings our hypertension series full circle. We will be reviewing the various medications that cardiologists use to support a balanced anti-hypertensive drug regimen. This article will begin by examining Alpha Blockers.
Alpha Blockers
Alpha blockers work as a hormone blocker within your muscles. They stop the chemical reaction that causes your artery walls to tighten. This helps keep smaller arteries relaxed and open, thereby, improving your blood flow and lowering the pressure. These drugs are typically prescribed when your hypertension is difficult to manage. They are commonly added on to diuretic therapy.
Alpha Blockers have the following side effects:
Fluctuations in your blood pressure can lead to heart disease and other life-threatening complications. A blood pressure doctor can help you get this condition under control, but you play the biggest role in managing your overall health.This user-friendly guide will give you the keys to understanding how your actions affect your blood pressure. It will also help you make informed decisions about your treatment protocol.
5 Habits to Naturally Healthy Blood Pressure
Treatment decisions should always be discussed with your blood pressure doctor, but there are several