Posted on September 30, 2013
What is a Good Reason for Seeing a Cardiologist
A lot of people question whether or not they should schedule an appointment with a heart specialist. Seeing a cardiologist is a question of timing. Sometimes that timing is related to circumstance; sometimes it’s related to symptoms. This article will review when and why seeing a cardiologist matters.
Age is a Factor, not a Reason
There is conflicting information about when heart health requires the attention of a specialist. Your risk of developing heart disease does increase with age. Men between the ages of 35 and 40 and women between the ages of 55 and 60 need to pay closer attention to their heart health. However, that doesn’t always involve seeing a cardiologist.
What your age really means for your heart is hitting the pause button. In other words, taking the time to have an honest conversation with your primary care physician. This is the first step to establishing a baseline of cardiac function and risk factors. In the majority of cases, paying
attention before heart disease develops keeps it manageable without a specialist
Posted on September 28, 2013
Most Trustworthy New York City Heart Doctor
How much you can trust your New York City heart doctor can be difficult to gauge at first. One of the quickest ways to find out where you stand with each other is to pose a difficult question.
According to a current public health research study conducted at the University of Chicago, one of the toughest questions to answer involves having sex after a heart attack. The answer to the question doesn’t seem to be the difficult part; the difficulty is figuring out how to talk about the subject in the first place.
Surviving the Awkward Pause: Sexual Health & Heart Attacks
The primary goal of your New York City heart doctor is to restore your heart to a healthy functioning level and to keep that level stable. The primary goal for you as a patient is returning to a “normal” life. This is where a trustworthy doctor-patient relationship can bridge the gap of communication and accomplish both goals simultaneously.
Whether you’re comfortable discussing it or not; sexual health is part of the recovery process after most medical procedures. It
Posted on September 25, 2013
Top 10 Heart Disease Symptoms You Need to Know
Due to the prevalence of the condition; heart disease symptoms are a frequent topic of conversation. The question that we
Posted on September 22, 2013
Offices Heart Doctor in NYC – All Insurance Accepted
Heart doctor offices provide a variety of different diagnostic tools and tests. The benefits afforded both to the patient and the specialist depend largely on the suspected problem within your heart. For instance, how does a cardiologist detect and treat hypertension?
Monitoring Cardiac Blood Flow
A successful diagnosis of hypertension takes more than a few blood pressure readings. True, that can help you detect the condition, but it won’t show you how high blood pressure is affecting your heart. For that, you have to rely on a cardiac ultrasound.
Heart doctor offices are equipped with state-of-the-art technology so that specialists can develop effective treatment protocols on-site. These protocols are based on your most current test results. That way, your treatment is fully aligned with the progression and/or management of your high blood pressure.
The protocol used can be adjusted as needed. This is particularly important for hypertension because the condition fluctuates and can be difficult to manage otherwise.
What Specialists Look For
An ultrasound measures the function, flow, and velocity of the blood in your heart. All it takes is a few short minutes to get readings and visuals. Once the data is evaluated, your specialist has a better idea of how high blood pressure is affecting your heart internally.
The test itself is relatively simple. Your specialist will attach electrodes to certain areas of your chest, shoulders, and back. Once the electrodes are in place, you will be asked to lie in a certain position so that a clear view of your heart appears on the ultrasound screen. A small wand-like device is gelled and placed on different areas of your chest.
The goal is to get a clear idea of the structure of your heart so that the correct data can be compiled from the proper locations in the heart. The electrodes are synced-up with your heart
Posted on September 19, 2013
Tips on How to Get Rid of a Fib – All Insurance Accepted
When patients ask for advice on how to get rid of a fib, it’s easy to assume that the condition doesn’t need treatment. That is a dangerous assumption to make. Even if the atrial fibrillation you experience is relatively minor, it still requires treatment. Without it, your risk of a life-altering stroke is greatly increased.

This article will outline not only the symptoms of the condition, but how to treat and manage those symptoms. Keep in mind; this is only a general overview of how to get rid of a fib. You need to schedule a consultation with a cardiologist to get a full cardiac workup and customize your treatment protocol.
Big Picture Treatment for a “Small” Heart Condition
A fib is a condition that is easy to ignore or attribute to something else. The earliest signs are so minute it’s difficult to tell that something is wrong with your heart.
Much like heart failure; watch for signs of:
Posted on September 16, 2013
Choosing a NY Heart Doctor – All Insurance Accepted
Choosing a heart doctor takes more than a simple referral or narrowing down the specific cardiac issue that needs to be addressed. These are two very common components that patients and their primary care physicians use, but the choice has a lot to do with how the specialty is structured.
To show you what we mean, we’ll take a closer look at the background and daily schedule of a heart doctor.
The Daily Grind: A Cardiologist
Posted on September 13, 2013
How To Choose From All the Heart Doctors in New York City – All Insurance Accepted
Heart doctors are not all the same. The organ they study is complex. In order to address all of the possible problem areas, cardiology has to be broken down into its own specialty areas. Luckily, this fact simplifies your search for a specialist. You no longer have to sift through all of the heart doctors in New York to find the right one. Simply start with your heart problem and build your search from there.
Your general practitioner is instrumental in expediting this process, but for the purposes of illustrating how the search works, we will present a mock scenario to help you get started.
Specialists of Form & Function
Heart doctors are attracted to cardiology for myriad of reasons. Every specialist you meet in this department will have general knowledge and specialized knowledge to pull from.
Some of the popular specialized areas are:
Posted on September 10, 2013
Find a Cardiovascular Specialist – All Insurance Accepted
The professional life of a cardiovascular specialist begins with education. More specifically, it begins with time in the classroom, clinical procedures, and interactive patient care. Taking this approach to a specialty in medical science results in physicians who are well-rounded and prepared to handle a variety of clinical and emergency situations.

What makes the difference?
Patients often ask what they should look for in a cardiovascular specialist. The answer to this question depends on a couple of things:
1. The specialist
Posted on September 7, 2013
Affordable Cardiologist NYC – All Insurance Accepted
Patients spend a lot of time searching for an affordable cardiologist. While this is a very good goal; it is only part of the cardiac care equation. The other sizable piece of living with heart disease and managing your condition is a commitment you make to the necessary lifestyle changes your cardiologist recommends.
I’ve tried to work out regularly, but I started to have ongoing joint pain. What am I doing wrong?
You are not alone. This is one of the most common complaints patients have about their cardiovascular exercise regiment. There are two things that you can do to minimize the joint pain you are experiencing:
1. Diversify your workout. Don’t just stick to stationary machines; the repetitive motion can cause joint pain. Mix in some strength training, core exercises, and meditation techniques to get a well-rounded, low stress work out.
2. Talk to a trainer. Too many people treat this like it’s an unnecessary step. The truth is it is very necessary. When you have a specific need, like a cardiovascular-centered workout, or you have not developed a workout plan; you need to talk to a professional trainer to get the best advice possible. This is another way to safeguard yourself against injury.
Try it. Take these two steps and you’ll start to feel better so you can progress in your workouts that much faster.
Are there low-impact exercises that I can do to improve my heart health?
Yes, it’s a good idea to have both low impact and high-impact options available to you. That way you can cool down after every workout. It also gives you an alternative for days when you need a lighter workout.
Here are some options professional trainers recommend:
- Power walking
- Meditation
- Cycling
- Ball exercises
In addition, stay hydrated and avoid sugar.
Utilizing tips like these will make your visits to an affordable cardiologist worthwhile. Preventative measures like regular exercise can help you prolong your heart-health naturally.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on September 4, 2013
When Should I Have My Heart Checked – All Insurance Accepted
The question, when should I have my heart checked comes up a lot in cardiology. The reason behind this is that depending on who you talk to there seems to be multiple answers to go by. It is important not to get your heart checked unnecessarily. This article will go over some basic parameters to help you know if it’s time to see a cardiologist for further tests.
A Popular Myth
Since heart disease is the number one cause of death in the US, you will hear different statistics and facts about heart disease. The difficulty is, 9 times out of 10, you will be told to have your heart checked annually if you are over the age of 45.
This single misconception has led to a high percentage of unnecessary cardiac testing. Generally, there are only three reasons you should get a heart scan or undergo further testing with a cardiologist:
1. You have already had a heart attack, stroke, or other cardiac problem.
2. You are showing symptoms of heart disease.
3. Heart disease is in your family history.
These are the only parameters that qualify for more detailed cardiac testing.
On the Border of Risk
There are patients who are at borderline risk for developing heart disease. Believe it or not, this can be good news.
Why? It means that the condition might still be preventable, if not manageable. In many of these cases, a referral to cardiologists may not be needed. You can talk to your primary care doctor about making lifestyle and medication changes to lower and control your risk factors for developing heart disease.
If these factors are able to be controlled in time, it is possible to maintain good heart health without the involvement of a cardiologist.
The important thing is that now when someone asks you, when should I have my heart checked, you will be able to answer the question and pass along helpful information.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.