What are the Signs of Heart Failure – All Insurance Accepted
What are the Signs of Heart Failure – All Insurance Accepted
The words

The words
People often treat heart attack symptoms like a foregone conclusion. You hear so much about the tell-tale signs that those signs start to be all that you look for. The danger in that approach is that you could start having a heart attack and not recognize it right away.
Review in the Rear View
Finding a cardiologist in Manhattan can seem daunting, but it doesn
A stroke occurs when a blood clot travels from the heart to the brain. The clot either cuts off blood flow to the brain by blocking a blood vessel or it causes the vessel wall to weaken and hemorrhage. Both of these instances lead to death of the brain tissue and they can also take your life. Knowing that, it is very important to know the signs and symptoms of a stroke as well as how to prevent it.
Just Remember F.A.S.T.
When it occurs, it happens quickly so knowing what to do can save a life.
Face-The first thing you
Yes, obesity and heart disease are linked. In fact, obesity has reached epidemic levels in the U.S. with 50% of the population overweight and 1/3 of that number considered obese. How does your weight affect your heart? That is the question we will answer in this article.
The Weight Factor
Obesity affects your heart in two main ways:
1. It increases your blood pressure
2. It increases the likelihood of plaque buildup in the heart
Over time, the side effects of these factors can lead to heart disease and contribute to heart failure.
Exercise can help reduce the risk to your heart because it helps:
Many patients treat a diagnosis of heart failure as a death sentence. If this is your initial response to your test, results, it
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a small part of the much bigger picture known as heart disease. Many people are unaware of this condition until their family is touched by it. Even so, we want to get the word out about Coronary Heart Disease before it strikes. That way; you are better prepared to deal with the aftermath of your diagnosis.
The Definition and Risk Factors
CHD is really the advanced stages of arteriosclerosis, or plaque buildup in the arteries. Essentially, it
A rapid heartbeat is often ignored when it should be closely watched. Patients tend to rationalize it away as something that occurs as a result of stress or increased physical activity. The truth is no matter what causes your rapid heartbeat; doctor evaluation should be part of the solution. This article will explain why.
A Dangerous Gamble
No one is playing he blame game. It’s easy to understand why a lot of patients don’t think a problem like a rapid heartbeat is a big deal. Sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t.
You’re right; it could just be stress or physical exertion, but those things can still be harmful to your heart. Stress releases cortisol and adrenaline. In short bursts, this is fine-even healthy-but in long drawn out cycles it causes cardiac damage. Just because that damage isn’t noticeable right away, doesn’t mean it’s not occurring. Stress may not be directly linked to heart disease, but it does cause secondary conditions like hypertension and thickening of the blood that can lead to heart attack or stroke.
For this reason, any recommendations you receive from your cardiologist should be followed to the letter. You may be asked to cut out:
If you have already had a heart attack, please pay attention. Why? Statistically, you are four times more likely to have a second, fatal heart attack within four months of the first one. That statistic may be startling to some of you, but not nearly startling enough.
Dancing with Death
According to the latest medical journals, patients who have had a heart attack are slow to change their lifestyle. Here are the statistics to back that statement up:
Genetics has always played a role in patient health. That role changes depending on the individual issues of the patient. Heart disease comes with its own genetic component. Yes, it is possible for heart disease to run the family. This article will let you know what that means for you and for future generations.
All in the Family
What are genetics? Genetics are proteins that dictate how your body forms tissues and molecules. Some of these proteins come with pre-set strengths and weaknesses that are inherited from your family.
These pre-set catalysts can trigger health programs that are shared by several family members. The list of possibilities includes heart disease. That’s why; there’s such a wide range of physical indicators and responses to heart problems.
Some patients can dramatically improve their risk level through basic changes, like a heart healthy diet and regular exercise. Other patients may require medication or surgeries to correct underlying vulnerabilities.
The treatment protocol really depends on how your body is affected by heart disease. Scans and tests can be done to determine the genetic risk. It is also very helpful to review your medical history and records of any previous heart treatments. Your genetics matter. That’s why; a cardiologist will specifically ask you about your family history during a consultation.
Decoding the Unknown
Genetics help specialists decode what is still unknown about diseases. In many cases, it is still too early to tell what causes cardiac problems in families. However; generic information has revealed that they are more common among women than men and more prevalent in certain minority groups.
If you know your risk, please speak to a local cardiologist. The more genetic abnormalities that are identified and tracked; the better doctors are able to treat patients in need. Do not take undue risk with your heart. You only get one, treat it well. Contact a cardiologist for more information on genetics and heart disease. Referrals re available.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000