Posted on April 29, 2014
Understanding Manhattan Cardiology: How To Find an NYC Cardiologist
Your regular physician is usually the first to spot an abnormality or warning sign of heart disease. Depending on what that sign or symptom is, it may be treatable without the intervention of a cardiologist in NYC. Certain warning signs can be treated with medication and lifestyle changes. 
Defining Next Steps
If this is not possible, or the condition is not responding to these remedies, it is time to see a cardiologist. Your doctor will give you a referral to get the ball rolling. Your case may require additional tests to see and properly treat what’s going on. The result of those tests will determine the next steps you need to take.
There may be nothing wrong with your heart. Conditions in other areas of the body can trigger fluctuations in the heart that are not related to heart disease. Once the underlying condition is improved, your heart function should improve. In this case, you would not need to see a cardiologist on a regular basis. However, a cardiac malfunction that is caused by a defect or heart disease will require continued treatment.
Sticking with Changes
People make excuses for not bettering their health all the time. The three biggest roadblocks to starting a heart-friendly diet are:
- The perceived expense
- The time it takes to prep meals
- The lack of flavor to the meals
Luckily, the American Heart Association has come up with a rebuttal that eliminates the excuses.
Once you have a heart attack, you are 10 times more likely to have another one in 6 months. That risk increases exponentially if you don’t take care of yourself. This is not a gamble worth taking.
Look for the heart smart check mark on the foods you buy. Until you get used to your new eating habits, shopping for the check mark will make things easier. Also, quit smoking, don’t drink to excess, and workout regularly. Those are some instantly applicable preventative measures.
Prevention is part of the package, especially after a heart attack. The absolute best thing you can do for yourself is to follow your cardiologist’s instructions. These steps present your best interests for maintaining long-term health after developing a heart condition.
Long-term health needs to be the goal. Stay focused and stay healthy.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on April 24, 2014
Costs Associated With a Cardiologist in NYC
Patients have a lot of questions about the cost of medical care, especially with all of the problems reported with registering for Obamacare and Medicare Advantage plans. 
The selection window for Medicare recipients is now closed for 2014. Barring a late registration fee or the rare exception, you’re locked in to your insurance coverage for the next 12 months.
While the same can’t be said for the rest of the country just yet, if things go as planned, the American public will be looking at a similar lock-down.
What does this mean for your cost of long-term care? More practically, how expensive is a visit to your cardiologist in NYC? We will attempt to answer these questions in the remainder of this article.
Paying the Tab: The Adjusted Cost of Medical Care
There are a couple of important distinctions to be aware of in your insurance coverage for 2014:
1. Your insurance company will still cover a large portion of specialist-based healthcare costs. This includes something like your cardiologist in NYC.
2. The premium you pay for that coverage will depend on how long you’ve had the condition and your compliance with prescribed treatments.
3. Pay particular attention to your deductibles, co-pays, and other insurance fees; they will be higher this year.
4. If your cardiologist in NYC is closed to your insurance carrier, that means you will have to cover the cost of seeing that specialist out-of-pocket. While there are financing options available through the clinic, use in-network providers whenever possible. The decision here should depend on your relationship with your specialist.
All in all, you may be paying a larger portion in fees than you are used to, but you will not be expected to cover the full amount of your care if you have active insurance coverage and stay in-network.
Sticking to the Affordable Game Plan
There are strategies you can use to make these plans more affordable:
1. Lower your premium by showing evidence that you are compliant with treatment. This is the equivalent of “time off for good behavior” where an insurance provider is concerned.
2. Look into supplemental coverage to make up the difference for what your regular insurance provider doesn’t cover. Depending on the circumstances, this may be a more cost-effective approach.
Your cardiologist in NYC can help you navigate the new coverage restrictions.
The question of whether or not cardiology consultants are affordable has become more difficult to answer in recent months. For that reason, we will be focusing on the question of affordability for the remainder of this article.
The difficulties surrounding the Obamacare website aren’t the only roadblocks raised by the Affordable Healthcare Act. We will examine the less obvious difficulties and let you know what you can do to minimize them and find a cardiologist in NYC who meets your needs.
The Amazing Disappearing, Reappearing Act of Medical Affordability
We are in the very early days of “affordable healthcare” in the United States. As such, the future of healthcare coverage remains to be seen. That said, some changes are already taking effect.
It’s no secret that a zero premium plan comes with higher co-pays. That’s the trade-off for not paying a monthly premium. However, the co-pays have been on the rise over the last several months. To give you an idea of what this looks like, let’s run a comparison:
- Last year the co-pay for seeing your primary care physician averaged $10.00. Now, it averages $15.
- Last year your co-pay for seeing a specialist averaged $30.00. Now, it averages $50.00.
- A hospital stay in 2013 cost you $250.00 per day for the first four days before Medicare coverage kicked in. Now, it will cost you around $430.00 for the same four days.
- Urgent care and prescription drug coverage remains relatively consistent, but check the deductibles and you will likely see an increase.
Getting a plan with a monthly premium may seem wise, but the premiums have gone up too.
What “Premium Care” Really Buys You?
Premiums that were as low as $40 to $50 have increased to about $75 a month. That adds up to just under $900 a year.
While this does lower your co-pays, consider how often you go to the cardiologist in NYC before selecting a premium plan. It may be wiser to pay higher per appointment costs than to pay a monthly premium.
What does this mean for the continued affordability of your cardiologist in NYC? Well, you have three options:
1. If you are bound by in-network physicians, stay in-network when selecting a consultant.
2. Pay the penalty and change to a network-free PPO.
3. Ignore the in-network rule and either request that an exception be made or pay for your appointments out-of-pocket. You can always make financial arrangements in-clinic.
Consider limiting your care to what is absolutely necessary, thereby keeping affordability front-of-mind.
The Limits of Medical Testing
Chest pain is a symptom that causes panic for patients and caution for cardiologists. In reality, it’s a 44/56 split when it comes to the symptom being related to a serious heart condition. About 44% of patients are tested unnecessarily, while 56% show signs of needing urgent cardiac care.
How do you know what side of the split you’re on? That depends on finding the right doctor for chest pain.
All chest-related symptoms should be evaluated by a medical professional. However, how that symptom is handled varies greatly on a person-to-person basis.
There is a big difference between emergent cardiac care and managed cardiac care. You should always see a doctor for chest pain, but unless you are having acute symptoms, it is a good idea to discuss all of the treatment options available before you proceed with numerous diagnostics.
Patients who find a doctor for chest pain that participates in shared decision-making can cut the cost of care by 50%. This is particularly good news, because so many of the less invasive tests come back inconclusive or only serve to prove that the patient is at low-risk for a serious form of heart disease.
More and more experts in the cardiology field are recommending the shared decision-making approach so that a patient’s risk of complications and misdiagnosis are greatly reduced. In addition, they are able to assess all of the diagnostic information and actively participate in their own treatment plan.
Go on the Offense, not the Defense
The rule of thumb in cardiology used to be executive testing, meaning that no matter your risk level for heart disease, you would get cardiac function testing and screenings every year.
As you can imagine, this approach proved not only costly, but unnecessary. Since this approach has been reevaluated, experts are now recommending patients undergo less cardiac testing, not more. Patients who take part in their own treatment decisions fair just as well as or better than patients undergoing a full battery of tests for chest pain.
When looking for a doctor for chest pain, try to find one that takes the most balanced approach possible, giving you a chance to offer input, but stepping in when critically necessary.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on April 22, 2014
What To Consider When Finding The Top Cardiologist For Your Heart in NYC
Patients often have a hard time finding the top cardiologist in New York. Reason being that there are literally thousands of heart specialists to choose from in the greater New York area. This makes it difficult to draft a short list, let alone select a single top cardiologist from so many. 
That’s why it can be helpful to use online resources, reviews from other patients, and expert lists like this one to get the process started.
The Top 5 Cardiology Heart Associates in Manhattan
We’ve listed the top five cardiology heart associates below. This will let you know the kind of things to look for before making your own list or selecting a name from this one.
Cardiologist #1: Dr. Jeffrey Moses-serves as director of interventional cardiology at both of New York Presbyterian’s clinical locations. Dr. Moses has performed thousands of heart-related procedures throughout his career, giving him the perfect combination of knowledge and experience, as demonstrated by his current post. In the last three years alone, he has continued to uphold the prestigious reputation that New York Presbyterian is known for; the program remains one of the top cardiology destinations in the country.
Cardiologist #2: Dr. Samin Sharma-is another one of New York’s finest interventional cardiologists. He currently practices at Mount Sinai Medical Ctr. This medical center rivals New York Presbyterian; performing well over 5,000 cardiac procedures a year. Dr. Sharma is considered a role model to his peers, and is dedicated to being on the cutting-edge of cardiology within the medical field.
Cardiologist #3: Dr. Mark Seldon-is dual certified in cardiology and internal medicine. He holds the unique distinction of being able to treat not only heart disease, but vascular conditions as well. The 35 years he has spent as a cardiologist have put him in some of the top circles in the field, including an affiliation with Mount Sinai Medical Center and NYU.
Cardiologist #4: Dr. Fred Pasternak-shares his dedication to cardiology directly with his patients. He gives every interaction his full attention, providing patients in need with a knowledgeable and direct approach to treatment.
Cardiologist #5: Dr. David Weinstock-is an indictable resource for patients facing long-term management of cardiac conditions and/or an involved cardiac rehabilitation process. He can use his connections with over 11 institutions in the New York area to make sure you get the best treatment possible. He will follow-up to make sure your treatment plan is sufficient.
Out of the thousands of cardiologists that work in New York City, how do you find the top cardiologist that is right for you? This is a question that every heart patient has to face at one time or another. Luckily, there are two approaches you can take to finding the heart specialist who can help you most.
Method #1: Get a referral
This is the most common approach patients take to finding a heart doctor. Why? Getting a referral from your primary care physician eliminates a lot of questions and hurdles for you. Two of the biggest concerns for patients are:
- Is my heart doctor experienced and properly certified?
- Will my insurance cover my treatment costs?
If you get a referral from another physician, both of these questions are already answered for you.
Clinics that work with in-network specialists have to make sure those specialists are fully certified and covered by the patient’s insurance provider before giving the referral.
Given the changes in insurance coverage that are due to take effect this year, this will likely be the favored way to choose a top cardiologist from now on. Of course, there is no harm in double checking your cardiologist’s background and credentials.
Method #2: Contact the heart doctor directly
In some cases, you get farther by contacting a specialist directly. This is particularly helpful if you have a condition that requires the attention of a limited number of specialists.
These conditions include:
- Vascular varicosity
- Hypertension
- Problems with cardiac electrical function
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Advanced heart failure
Depending on the condition that requires treatment, you will be referred to the clinical department that will handle your case.
This approach requires extra work to make sure that the top cardiologist you need is properly certified and covered by your insurance provider. Medical exceptions can be granted if a patient can show that treatment from a particular specialist is a matter of medical necessity. The clinic can help you prove your case to the insurance company.
Even if insurance coverage isn’t possible, there are ways to pay for treatment from an out of network provider. Talk to the clinic about your options if necessary.
It is a good idea to come up with a list of questions for your top cardiologist that you can take with you to your first appointment. The answers to these questions will help you understand more about your condition and your specialist, supporting a solid ongoing doctor-patient relationship.
The Medicare Quandary
The initial changes to the health care system are expected to go into effect over the next year. This isn’t always the case if you rely on Medicare, Medicaid, or a Medicare supplemental. The expansion option has already started to affect recipients. Here’s how:
In preparation for the large-scale changes to national healthcare that are expected in 2014, Medicare and Medicaid have offered state government the option to accept an expansion plan. Will the plan affect your ability to see an insurance covered cardiologist? It is highly likely, yes.
Patients with preferred provider coverage will find their limits first. You are paying a monthly sum for the freedom to choose doctors, but not only can that premium fee increase, you may be required to cover as much as half of each appointment cost. This is in addition to any co-pays or additional charges that your insurance doesn’t cover.
You do have a chance to forego the preferred provider coverage, but you have to do so by a certain annual deadline. There are exceptions to this rule, but only an insurance representative can find out if you qualify for an exception under the pre-set policy guidelines.
We recommend checking with your insurance provider to find an insurance covered cardiologist. That way, no matter what happens, you know the financial responsibility that you hold for your care.
Living Without Insurance
Quite a few Americans have no formal health insurance coverage. When it comes to treating something like heart disease, its a good idea to review your coverage options before things get unmanageable.
Talk to your specialist about creating reasonable payment plans and find out about options like healthcare credit or in-house financing. Approaching the cost of your care candidly and head on will help you construct a plan with manageability that remains amendable and cost-effective.
So whether or not you find an insurance covered cardiologist, you do have options to receive the care from the top cardiologist you select. The best thing you can do for yourself is to persevere. Find providers that will work with you so that you can receive the life-saving care you need.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on April 17, 2014
Reviews and Costs of Top Cardiologists in NYC
Cardiologist cost and reviews can be very helpful when choosing a heart specialist. A diagnosis like heart disease can send you reeling, unsure of where to turn. The good thing about patient reviews is that they can give you some perspective. 
Not Just a Formality, but a Resource
People often look at cardiologist cost and reviews as a formality or just another bend in the road to heart health. In fact, these reviews can be so much more. Consider them an introductory step into the heart healthy lifestyle.
Remember, other patients – the patients who wrote about these cardiologist cost and reviews – have been right where you are now. They know how confusing and scary this process can be; even when all you are trying to do is choose the right specialist.
Don’t forget to use their experience as a resource for you to draw on. Most of them will tell you that knowledge is one of the biggest benefits you can have post-diagnosis.
They can also help you narrow down what it is you’re looking for in a cardiologist.
The Total Care Formula
The articles you read will mention a number of deciding factors like:
- Education
- Training
- Specialty selected
- Awards/recognition
- Hospital involvement
- Ratings
They are right to a point.
Patients know the decision really depends on two things:
- Experience level
- Doctor-patient relationship
One you can surmise from records and research; the other you have to witness face-to-face.
Being an expert in the field of cardiology is undeniably important. You want the right resume for the job.
Looking good on paper counts, but there’s also something to be said for how your prospective specialist responds to you as a patient. Pay attention to this because it will affect how your own “heart knowledge” develops.
Look for the specialist who focuses on total care. Meaning; all of your questions are heard and answered along with the expert-level of care you receive, insuring you’re as heart healthy as possible.
Cardiologist cost and reviews can be difficult to narrow down. There are simply too many to choose from in a city like New York. The key is to know what resources to use during your selection process. The big three are:
- Leading local medical institutions
- Peer and colleague ratings
- Patient reviews
The first step to drafting a short list of cardiology consultants is to look into their medical affiliations.
Finding the Metaphorical “Horse’s Mouth”
Checking with area hospitals and medical centers is often easier than combing through online registries or visiting your local records office. A phone call to these medical institutions will tell you 3 very important things:
1. If the consultant is board certified (hospitals don’t give privileges to doctors that aren’t properly certified)
2. If their privileges are still active and their claimed affiliation legitimate
3. Their malpractice status and procedural history
This information speaks to a heart specialist’s track record and quality.
You want to limit your search to cardiology consultants with a board certification. This tells you they have been properly trained and educated to provide a particular medical service.
In addition, you want to make sure their ability to provide that service is still legitimate; hence, the question of hospital privileges. Finally, a brief review of their professional experience will help you narrow the field.
For instance, Mount Sinai Medical Center may perform over 6,000 heart procedures a year, but an individual doctor can perform as many as 1,500 in his/her specialty area at various locations in the city.
What Other People Have to Say
There is something to be said for the opinions of peers and patients too.
Look for cardiologist cost and reviews that mention special awards, promotions, or recognition from peers. This will tell you that they actively contribute to their field, and that they are top-rated for their contributions.
Patient reviews will give you a more personal, one-to-one view of cardiology consultants. They will tell you if your specialist is:
- Punctual
- Attentive
- Comprehensive
- Diagnostically trained
- Up on the latest advancements
- Focused on follow-up and long-term care
By focusing on all three categories, you get a well-rounded picture of what cardiologist cost and reviews are like in Manhattan.
Keep your list to 5 consultants or less, ask about the specialists your general practitioner would recommend, and use this research to makeup interview questions to ask during your appointment. That will garner the best results.
Finding the Right Specialist
Insurance coverage probably isn’t something you think about very often unless you are confronting or managing a long-term change to your health.
Heart disease qualifies as a long-term change. The treatment you undergo depends on the underlying causes of the condition. The good news is finding insurance covered cardiologist cost and reviews is still a relatively straightforward process.
Insurance covered cardiologist cost and reviews are available nationwide, including locations in major cities like New York. Finding the right specialist is a matter of asking the right questions, both during a consultation and in working with an insurance representative going forward.
Your coverage depends on the type of plan you’ve selected. The important thing to figure out is whether or not your cardiologist is in network or considered a preferred provider.
If you primarily see doctors and medical staff from a particular health group, you probably have insurance coverage through a maintenance organization. What that means is your appointments, tests, and procedures have high-percentage coverage as long as they remain within the previously identified healthcare group.
The co-pays are generally listed on your insurance card. That way, you know what you have to pay the day of the appointment. Any other charges that you are responsible for will be billed to you at a later date.
Always open mail from your insurance company. You will need to double check it to make sure the costs are listed properly. It’s not uncommon for insurance companies to mistakenly charge you for services that they previously agreed to cover. Keep a watchful eye on things and dispute the charges when necessary.
Out of Bounds Care
What happens if the insurance covered cardiologist that you want to see is an out of network provider? Once again, the answer to this question depends on the type of insurance coverage you’ve selected.
You can opt for preferred provider coverage. This means that you are not bound by the constraints of a particular healthcare network. You simply select the provider you wish to see and pay the charges accordingly. The trade-off for this freedom is a monthly premium, co-pays, and possible charges by-appointment. It is a less restrictive, but more expensive option.
As previously discussed, changes to the United healthcare system are only on the cusp of going into full effect, so unless you are retired or disabled, your insurance guidelines should remain the same as they were in January, when reviewed through your employer.
If you’ve been recently diagnosed with heart disease, it’s a good idea to put all the cards on the table before going into treatment. It will minimize your stress later.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on April 15, 2014
Best Reviewed Cardiologist NYC 2014
It can be a struggle to find a good cardiologist. NYC has a lot of specialty healthcare options. Part of the problem is that patients do not consider specialty care until after signs or symptoms begin to surface. At that point, the doctor you choose makes a big difference in your ongoing health. 
Failure to Diagnose
It is possible to be misdiagnosed or undiagnosed by a cardiologist. NYC medical malpractice cases are a matter of public record. It is a good idea to review these records before selecting your specialist.
A patient with a cluster of acute symptoms is treated under emergency cardiac protocol.
This includes:
- Blood test for the presence of enzymes
- Stress test and EKG for functional capacity
- Angiogram for blockages or restricted blood flow
If one of these tests is not performed or simply gets misread, the results can be catastrophic.
Diagnosis Dictates Result
Even with consistent care from a cardiologist, NYC patients can be at risk for a heart attack or another major change in their health.
In some cases, patients can still have a heart attack 3 months into treatment. The best way to avoid this is to continue to watch for symptomatic fluctuations and changes. If these changes start to occur or your symptoms worsen, inform your specialist right away.
Emergency cardiac care is available to unblock your heart. The key is to treat and remove the blockage in time, so that it is not damaged permanently. There are ways to keep a heart – even a damaged heart – functioning. This usually involves drug therapy and devices that assist with certain functions to relieve stress on the heart muscle.
At worst, patients are put on a heart transplant list. That is an extensive process in and of itself, but it can result in a second chance at a healthy life. Look for a top-rated cardiologist. NYC medical records offices, boards, and various databases can help simplify your search. You should use them as a selection resource.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on April 10, 2014
Get Your Heart Checked By A Top Cardiologist in NYC
Heart problems are handled by two different types of cardiologists in NYC:
- Interventional cardiologists
- Cardiac surgeons

Contrary to popular belief, they are not one and the same. This article will illustrate the difference between these two specialists and will also show you how they work together to ensure overall heart health.
Recognizing Differences
Most of the time if you have a heart problem, you will be sent to see an interventional cardiologist. When the focus is intervention, you are headed to:
- The clinic
- The Cath Lab
- The hospital
The specialist assigned to your case is usually an interventional cardiologist. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, you will bypass intervention and be taken directly to surgery. In this case, you will meet your specialist as you recuperate.
The Importance of Prevention
A specialist’s job is to prevent life-threatening emergencies from happening. They do this by monitoring your health and taking preemptive steps to safeguard the function of your heart. The simplest way to accomplish this is to make changes to a patient’s diet, exercise routine, and medication regiment. There are three big earmarks that a cardiologist will try to curb through therapeutic or medicinal means:
- Diet
- Weight
- Changes in internal function (i.e. high blood pressure)
Arterial blockages can also occur. Cardiac catheterization can correct the problem before it causes the heart attack. That is as invasive as a heart specialist can get. If your heart disease has progressed beyond treatment management, you will need to enlist the services of the cardiac surgeon.
Patients can spend a lot of time searching for an affordable cardiologist in NYC. While this is a very good goal, it is only part of the cardiac care equation. The other part of living with heart disease and managing your condition is a commitment you make to the necessary lifestyle changes your cardiologist recommends.
Utilizing tips like these will make your visits to an affordable cardiologist worthwhile. Preventative measures like regular exercise can help you prolong your heart-health naturally. As prevention goes, natural is always better than surgical, if at all possible.
This principal does extend to medication regiments as well. Talk to an expert in condition management and cardiac rehab to get details on effective alternative protocols.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on April 8, 2014
Cardiac and Heart Care From The The Top Cardiologist in NYC
Seeing a cardiologist NYC will likely be more expensive than a regular doctor’s visit. Not only are the tests more expensive, they could be more invasive as well. The best way to prepare yourself for that reality is to talk to your insurance company before your appointment with a heart specialist. 
The Truth According to Policy
Your insurance company can tell you what procedures are covered and how much the coverage amounts to. In most cases, insurance covers at least 80% of the cost of care. The other 20% is covered by the patient or by a supplemental insurance provider. Be sure to ask about any deductible that has to be met before your insurance kicks in.
Stay in communication with your primary care physician. They can provide additional information that will help you research your condition. Keep in mind; the diagnosis has not been confirmed, but your regular doctor can tell you the suspected possibilities.
The main assumption patients, and people in general, make about a cardiologist NYC is that they’re all the same. Meaning; every specialist performs the same functions in order to treat various heart conditions. This is untrue, but the misinformation does stem from fact.
Getting the Facts
Every heart doctor has training and education in both diagnostic and interventional cardiology. What they do with that training and education dictates the role they fill as a doctor.
The difference between the two types of cardiology is:
- One doctor performs heart surgery and spends time on duty in the hospital.
- One doctor works in the clinic or office diagnosing heart problems and designing treatment protocols for patients.
If you have a heart problem and you don’t know what the cause of the problem is, you’d most likely be evaluated by a clinically-based cardiologist NYC first. Depending on the results of the visit, which includes diagnostic tests, you will either proceed with the treatment protocol in place or be referred to the interventional cardiologist for more invasive, even surgical, treatment.
Don’t make the mistake of thinking that any doctor can do these things. A cardiologist NYC is specially trained to deal with heart-related issues. Other doctors can focus on the basics, but that doesn’t safeguard your heart health; consultations available per scheduling.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on April 3, 2014
Find a Stress Test For Heart Disease in NYC
Heart disease and stress go hand-in-hand. For that reason, it’s not uncommon that patients with chronic chest pain opt for a cardiac stress test (also known as a treadmill test). 
This test acts as an initial measure of your cardiac function. It can also be used to support other diagnostic and treatment decisions.
Heart Disease and Stress; What Happens?
On the surface, stress or anxiety releases adrenaline. Adrenaline increases your energy and the workload on your organs, at least temporarily. This increase can cause muscle contractions and chest pain when your heart rate becomes elevated.
Occasional bouts with adrenaline happened to everyone, but angina – whether stable or unstable – is where heart disease and stress intersect.
Angina, especially when it’s chronic or progressively worsens, can be a sign that the oxygen level or blood flow necessary for heart function has decreased. While this isn’t always an immediate indicator of heart attack, it does need to be addressed and treated accordingly.
Enter: cardiac stress test.
Determining the Heart’s Workload
This exercise-based test is used to determine three things:
- Your activity threshold
- Your cardiac blood flow when your activity level is elevated
- The amount of oxygen being utilized by your heart
Your age, weight, and other medical factors will determine what your ideal activity threshold should be.
The longer you are able to sustain that activity threshold, the better your heart function will likely prove to be. That’s not to say that you should push yourself beyond your natural limit. In fact, specialists are in the room to ensure that you do not put yourself at undue risk during the test.
The side effects from a stress test are relatively mild. It can take patients a few minutes to regain their breath and allow their heart rate to fall within the normal range. However, if you begin experiencing significant discomfort at any time during the test, please say something right away.
How you react and respond can give specialists additional clues to how your heart disease and stress may relate to one another.
Given that additional discussions and tests will likely be needed; the more information that can be collected on your heart, the better your chances are of condition management in the long run.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on April 1, 2014
What To Consider When Finding The Top Cardiologist For Your Heart in NYC
Patients often have a hard time finding the top cardiologist in New York. Reason being; there are literally thousands of heart specialists to choose from in the greater New York area, this includes Manhattan; making it difficult to draft a short list, let alone select a single top cardiologist from so many. 
That’s why, it can be helpful to use online resources, reviews from other patients, and expert lists like this one to get the process started.
The Top 5 Cardiology Heart Associates in Manhattan
We’ve listed the top five cardiology heart associates below. This will let you know the kind of things to look for before making your own list or selecting a name from this one.
Cardiologist #1: Dr. Jeffrey Moses-serves as director of interventional cardiology at both of New York Presbyterian’s clinical locations. Dr. Moses has performed thousands of heart-related procedures throughout his career, giving him the perfect combination of knowledge and experience, as demonstrated by his current post. In the last three years alone, he has continued to uphold the prestigious reputation that New York Presbyterian is known for; the program remains one of the top cardiology destinations in the country.
Cardiologist #2: Dr. Samin Sharma-is another one of New York’s finest interventional cardiologists. He currently practices at Mount Sinai Medical Ctr. This medical center rivals New York Presbyterian; performing well over 5,000 cardiac procedures a year. Dr. Sharma is considered a role model to his peers, and is dedicated to being on the cutting-edge of cardiology within the medical field.
Cardiologist #3: Dr. Mark Seldon-is dual certified in cardiology and internal medicine. He holds the unique distinction of being able to treat not only heart disease, but vascular conditions as well. The 35 years he has spent as a cardiologist have put him in some of the top circles in a field, including an affiliation with Mount Sinai Medical Center and NYU.
Cardiologist #4: Dr. Fred Pasternak-shares his dedication to cardiology directly with his patients. He gives every interaction his full attention; providing patients in need with a knowledgeable and direct approach to treatment.
Cardiologist #5: Dr. David Weinstock-is an indictable resource for patients facing long-term management of cardiac conditions or and involved cardiac rehabilitation process. He can use his connections with over 11 institutions in the New York area to make sure you get the best treatment possible. He will follow-up to make sure your treatment plan is sufficient.
Out of the thousands of cardiologists that work in New York City, how do you find the top cardiologist that is right for you? This is a question that every heart patient has to face at one time or another. Luckily, there are two approaches you can take to finding the heart specialist who can help you most.
Method #1: Get a referral
This is the most common approach patients take to finding a heart doctor. Why? Getting a referral from your primary care physician eliminates a lot of questions and hurdles for you. Two of the biggest concerns for patients are:
- Is my heart doctor experienced and properly certified?
- Will my insurance cover my treatment costs?
If you get a referral from another physician, both of these questions are already answered for you.
Clinics that work with in-network specialists have to make sure those specialists are fully certified and covered by the patient’s insurance provider before giving the referral.
Given the changes in insurance coverage that are due to take effect this year; this will likely be the favored way to choose a top cardiologist from now on. Of course, there is no harm in double checking your cardiologist’s background and credentials.
Method #2: Contact the heart doctor directly
In some cases, you get farther by contacting a specialist directly. This is particularly helpful if you have a condition that requires the attention of a limited number of specialists.
These conditions include:
- Vascular varicosity
- Hypertension
- Problems with cardiac electrical function
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Advanced heart failure
Depending on the condition that requires treatment, you will be referred to the clinical department that will handle your case.
This approach requires extra work to make sure that the top cardiologist you need is properly certified and covered by your insurance provider. Medical exceptions can be granted if a patient can show that treatment from a particular specialist is a matter of medical necessity. The clinic can help you prove your case to the insurance company.
Even if insurance coverage isn’t possible, there are ways to pay for treatment from an out of network provider. Talk to the clinic about your options if necessary.
It is a good idea to come up with a list of questions for your top cardiologist that you can take with you to your first appointment. The answers to these questions will help you understand more about your condition and your specialist; supporting a solid ongoing doctor-patient relationship.
The Medicare Quandary
The initial changes to the health care system are expected to go into effect over the next year. This isn’t always the case if you rely on Medicare, Medicaid, or a Medicare supplemental. The expansion option has already started to affect recipients. Here’s how:
In preparation for the large-scale changes to national healthcare that are expected in 2014, Medicare and Medicaid have offered state government the option to accept an expansion plan. Will the plan affect your ability to see an insurance covered cardiologist? It is highly likely, yes..
Patients with preferred provider coverage will find their limits first. You are paying a monthly sum for the freedom to choose doctors, but not only can that premium fee increase, you may be required to cover as much as half of each appointment cost. This is in addition to any co-pays or additional charges that your insurance doesn’t cover.
You do have a chance to forego the preferred provider coverage, but you have to do so by a certain annual deadline. There are exceptions to this rule, but only an insurance representative can find out if you qualify for an exception under the pre-set policy guidelines.
We recommend checking with your insurance provider to find an insurance covered cardiologist. That way, no matter what happens, you know the financial responsibility that you hold for your care.
Living without Insurance
Quite a few Americans have no formal health insurance coverage. When it comes to treating something like heart disease, its a good idea to review your coverage options before things get unmanageable.
Talk to your specialist about creating reasonable payment plans and find out about options like healthcare credit or in-house financing . Approaching the cost of your care candidly and head on will help you construct a plan with manageability that remains amendable and cost-effective.
So whether or not you find an insurance covered cardiologist, you do have options to receive the care from the top cardiologist you select. The best thing you can do for yourself is to persevere. Find providers that will work with you so that you can receive the life-saving care you need.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.