Posted on October 30, 2012
Cardiac Hospitals NYC
Heart patients are admitted to cardiac hospitals for a number of reasons. Many of these problems have a similar result; an enlarged heart. When the severity of this condition has moved beyond diagnostics and drug therapy, more drastic steps may be needed to curb any ill effects. This article will look at the surgical interventions used to treat an advanced case.
Medical Intervention
There are various diseases and conditions that cause an enlarged heart. The list includes everything from high blood pressure to cardiomyopathy. As discussed above, tests and medications are used in the first course of treatment. If those methods are not effective, surgery may be required.
The type of surgery needed depends on the root cause of the enlargement. Cardiac hospitals typically employ one of the following procedures:
Posted on October 26, 2012
Can I get rid of heart disease by best cardiology doctor new york city
Heart specialists are raising concerns about diabetes awareness because people don’t realize how indiscriminate this epidemic is.
It effects older and younger populations alike in all 50 states. Ask any cardiology doctor; New Your City is no exception. Two-thirds of diabetics nationwide die of some type of heart or blood vessel disease. Statistics like that deserve closer examination.
What is diabetes?
A cardiology doctor, New York City based or elsewhere, can explain how the condition works.
A hormone called insulin is what drives your body
Posted on October 23, 2012
Manhattan Cardiologist
From Los Angeles to New York, cardiologist equipment plays a vital role in how heart patients are diagnosed and treated every day. Have you ever stopped to think about what these machines do? It
Posted on October 22, 2012
Cardiology Doctors In New York
The first step to treating heart disease is to contact a cardiology doctor. New York offers cutting-edge clinical options with staff that is knowledgeable about new cardiovascular discoveries. To that end, this article will examine a relatively new heart condition; Cardiac Syndrome X.
What is cardiac syndrome X?
Cardiac Syndrome X mimics the symptoms of angina and CAD. Patients complain of tightness or pain in their chest, but their coronary arteries are clear of blockages. The pain commonly occurs after physical activity and often presents in post-menopausal women. The condition is not life-threatening, nor does it increase your risk of heart attack or CAD.
What causes It?
There are many theories about what causes this syndrome. Here are the top three:
Posted on October 20, 2012
Cardiology Doctor NY
The human heart is full of puzzles waiting to be solved. For instance, there’s Mitral Valve Prolapse (MVP). This condition affects 2% of the population and often occurs in people with healthy hearts. It calls for the expertise of a cardiology doctor. NY heart clinics are among the medical facilities studying MVP. This article will outline what they
Posted on October 16, 2012
The Heart Center
Combating heart disease should be a number one priority for residents of New York. Statistics shows that cardiovascular illness is currently the leading cause of death, according to New York-Presbyterian Hospital, one in every three suffers from some type of heart related illness. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows 27.3 percent ofNew Yorkresidents are treated for high blood pressure and 35 percent of the population reports high cholesterol levels. Nationwide, one out of every 2.8 deaths is due to complications from heart problems.
Heart disease is a broad term for a range of illnesses that affect the heart muscle, the organ responsible from pumping blood throughout the body. Most conditions involve the narrowing of the arteries, known as arteriosclerosis, that carry blood from the heart to organs and limbs. When arteries narrow, blood fails to travel efficiently.
Symptoms of Arteriosclerosis
- Chest pain
- Shortness of breath
- Pain in the legs or arms
- Numbness in the legs or arms
- Cold in the limbs
Any of these symptoms may be a sign that you need to find a cardiologist for diagnose and treatment. A specialist will access your risk factors, such as age, general health, lifestyle and family history, as well as examine you to determine the health of your heart.
As with most chronic illnesses, the best treatment is prevention. Eating right and getting some exercise can go along way to keeping your heart healthy.
- Quit smoking
- Manage chronic condition such as high blood pressure
- Exercise at least 30 minutes, six days a week
- Eat a diet high in fiber and low in saturated fat
Simple lifestyle changes will improve your overall fitness level and work towards returning your heart to a healthy state. Living a heart-healthy life should start when you are young and continue throughout the years. Changing your lifestyle at any age, however, is a step in the right direction to preventing heart problems.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on October 12, 2012
Top Cardiology Doctor In Manhattan
Inflammation is a biological response to injury. The swelling occurs at the injury
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Heart Murmur Surgery By Cardiologist NYC

Medical knowledge uncovers new heart disease breakthroughs all the time. These advances are used to treat cardiac abnormalities daily, but did you know that some abnormalities can be detected just by listening to your heartbeat?The sound of your heartbeat is generated by the valves inside it opening and closing in-sync. This creates a two-tone audible pulse. Certain blockages and defects can be easily diagnosed because they disrupt or add turbulence to your normal pulse rhythm. A murmur is one of the abnormalities that presents this way. In this article we
Posted on October 10, 2012
What Is A Heart Murmur
A heart murmur is a relatively common heart condition. It is rarely life-threatening and will usually harmlessly self-correct before you reach adulthood. There are some cases where further heart murmur treatment is necessary. This article will outline what that treatment entails.
What are the symptoms?
A heart murmur is usually found in conjunction with other symptoms. It does not present on its own.
Some symptoms to watch for are:
Posted on October 9, 2012
Heart Murmur Treatments
Murmurs may self-correct or they might be caused by underlying conditions. In order to select the best course of action a cardiologist has to weigh several factors. For this reason, heart murmur treatments happen in stages. This article will investigate what the diagnostic sequence of a heart murmur involves.
Most heart murmurs are asymptomatic, but if a murmur significantly interferes with you heart function, it may present with the following symptoms: