Posted on October 31, 2013
What You Should Know To Help You Get Rid Of A Fib
The question of how to get rid of a fib does not always have a simple answer. While abnormal heart rhythms are common; understanding the cause of the abnormality is the key to knowing whether the symptoms you’re experiencing are lifestyle-related or a symptom of a greater cardiac problem.
Certain cardiologists specialize in monitoring electrical systems of the heart. The pulses which dictate how fast or slow your heart beats are often at the root of heart palpitations and other symptoms associated with a fib. Why is the goal of the specialty to get rid of a fib? If your heart is out of rhythm for a prolonged period of time, it can lead to life-threatening complications.
This article will look at the restoration of normal heart rhythm.
Why does an abnormal rhythm contribute to the risk of heart attack and stroke?
Since your heart’s rhythm, dictates how well it pumps, if the electrical signal is interrupted or chaotic for a prolonged period of time, it can slow down the blood flow to and from your heart.
When cardiologists look at how to get rid of a fib, they focus their efforts on the upper left quadrant of your heart. This is where the electrical pulses are centered, but it is also the area of the heart most susceptible to blood clots if there is a problem with the rhythm.
The blood that flows to and from your heart, even when your heart is pumping more slowly, is circulated throughout your entire body. If the clot is present, it can either block off blood flow to your heart and cause a heart attack or travel through the maze of blood vessels in your body and cut off blood flow to another area altogether.
The most common alternate routes the blood clot takes are:
Posted on October 28, 2013
Find A Location For A Treadmill Test In NYC
Finding a location for a treadmill test should never be a solo project. The fact that you need a cardiac stress test means that either your general practitioner or a concerned cardiologist has requested the testing. You will most likely be referred to a cardiac clinic, center, or Institute.
The location for a treadmill test is part of cardiac lab work and, therefore, performed at a location that solely focuses on heart health. Patients are not left on their own in finding a location for a treadmill test, just like they are not left alone during the test itself.
A treadmill test focuses on three main areas of heart health:
Your heart rhythm
2. Your heart rate
3. The functionality of your heart, lungs, and muscles
There are two types of treadmill tests:
1. Regular stress test
2. Metabolic stress test
A regular stress test focuses completely on your heart’s rhythm and rate. A metabolic stress test gathers data from your breathing during exercise and uses that data to analyze the relationship between your heart, lungs, and muscles as you exercise.
Hitting your Stride
Narrowing down the location of a treadmill test is only step one. After that, you should prepare yourself for what amounts to a microwaved workout session.
Before you get on the treadmill, small sticky electrodes will be applied to different areas of your chest. These electrodes pick up the signals from your heart and transfer them onto a machine. From there the cardiologist can look at a printout of information on your heart to get a better idea of what’s going on internally and what might be causing your symptoms.
If you are at a location for a treadmill test that measures metabolic responses, you’ll be hooked up to an additional piece of equipment. A breathing machine similar to a C-PAP that is used for sleep apnea will be applied over your nose and mouth. The machine will analyze your breath and bodily responses as you exercise.
The test takes about 10 minutes to complete. You will start out slow and steadily increase the speed on the treadmill until you hit the heart rate of an aerobic workout that is appropriate for someone in your age group. It is ideal for specialists if you are able to achieve and sustain a short-term threshold of eight.
Unfortunately for patients, the results aren
Posted on October 25, 2013
Find The Top Stroke Doctor In Manhattan
The human body is made up of cells. Each cell has a function that determines its structure. Some cells are skin cells; others become heart muscle or brain matter.
Speaking of brain matter; the brain is made up of more than 52 trillion cells. Those cells congregate to the left or to the right side of the brain. Depending on the hemisphere they inhabit, they help you to comprehend and translate the world around you. What does all of this have to do with finding a stroke doctor In Manhattan? Everything.
From Normal to Abnormal: Understanding a Neurological Shift
The description given in the introduction tells you how a normal human brain is formed. How it functions depends on which hemisphere you’re looking at. The left hemisphere houses your language center and informational details.
In other words, the left side of your brain tells you who you are, reminds you what you do, and tracks the details of your daily life. This is also what allows you to control sound and transform that sound into speech. If you tend to get lost in the details of the day, you probably rely heavily on your left hemisphere, but that doesn’t mean the right half of your brain goes unused.
Both hemispheres of the human brain are designed to work together. The main difference between left and right is that one side usually takes up more space in the conscious mind, while the other fills the subconscious and contributes context to your consciousness.
A better way to look at it might be the left hemisphere thinks in language. The right hemisphere thinks in emotions and pictures. For instance, when you hear the word “dog” what comes to mind? It’s most likely a mental picture that reminds you what the word “dog” is associated with. After all, the word by itself is just a collection of sounds.
That, in a nutshell, is how the human brain works. Now, the question is stroke doctor in Manhattan will try to answer is: what happens when something goes wrong in one of the hemispheres?
Finding your way back: the Journey of Post-Stroke Recovery
Details on the mechanics of a stroke can be found in any medical textbook or online journal. Biologically, it means that either a blood vessel in your brain burst, causing hemorrhage, or a blood clot cut off the flow of blood to the brain.
The first type of stroke we just described is called hemorrhagic. The second stroke we described is called ischemic. From a neurological standpoint, it is better to have a hemorrhagic stroke than an ischemic one because fewer cells die from a hemorrhage when compared to a blockage. The difficulty is a patient’s chances of surviving a hemorrhagic stroke hold steady at about 15%.
So how are healthy brains and damaged brains connected? That’s what a stroke doctor in Manhattan works toward finding out. Stroke survivors have talked about going through a short-term neurological shift on the day of their stroke.
Some patients experience a complete loss of contact with the detailed side of the brain, including language; others lose control of their brain body connection more quickly. A stroke can last several minutes or it can last a few hours. The duration really depends on the type of stroke you
Posted on October 22, 2013
Locate A Insurance Covered Cardiologist in NYC
Insurance coverage probably isn’t something you think about very often unless you are confronting or managing a long-term change to your health. Heart disease qualifies as a long-term change. The treatment you undergo depends on the underlying causes of the condition. The good news is finding an insurance covered cardiologist is still a relatively straightforward process.
Finding the Right Specialist
An insurance covered cardiologist is available nationwide, including locations in major cities like New York. Finding the right specialist is a matter of asking the right questions, both during a consultation and in working with an insurance representative going forward.
Your coverage depends on the type of plan you
Posted on October 19, 2013
Find Affordable Blood Pressure Doctors NYC
Affordable blood pressure doctors might sound like an unnecessary sub-specialty created by the medical community, but research shows these specialists are quite necessary.
The question that you need to know the answer to is: when do I need to consult affordable blood pressure doctors in addition to my general practitioner? The answer will become clear pretty quickly if you just been diagnosed with heart disease.
A Secondary Cause with the Primary Consequence
Affordable high blood pressure doctors are a necessity because hypertension is one of the chief causes of heart disease. The pressure with which your blood flows through your vascular system can weaken your arterial walls making them susceptible to cholesterol buildup and hemorrhage.
The problem is not limited to your heart, but it does originate there. Your heart supplies and dictates the path of blood flow throughout your body. All of your cells rely on oxygenated blood to function. A change in that flow triggers a series of secondary responses within the body. These responses could result in:
Posted on October 16, 2013
Where Is The Best Cardiac Clinic In New York City
In the Big Apple, finding the best of anything is subjective. In all depends on who you ask and what their standard of excellence is. Luckily, finding the best cardiac clinic in New York City involves more than just personal opinion; there
Posted on October 13, 2013
Locate The Most Reliable NYC Heart Doctor
According to the American Heart Association, over 40% of Americans consider themselves to be heart healthy. The scary thing about that statistic is that actual test results show something completely different.
The truth about heart disease is once you are outside the normal weight range for your height, your risk for heart disease and stroke increases by 5 to 7 times.
The best way to counter that statistic is to find the most reliable heart doctor available. The question a lot of patients have is: how do you know if a heart doctor is reliable? You may not like the answer, but one of the best litmus tests is finding a specialist who doesn’t let you get away with doing the bare minimum required to manage your condition.
The Difference 10,000 Steps Makes
The American Heart Association recently released a call to action to the American public and the most reliable heart doctors everywhere. The call to action stated that the biggest reason heart disease rates are not decreasing more rapidly is that patients are not getting enough exercise.
Living a heart healthy lifestyle involves making changes to more than just nutritional and habitual aspects. What that means is you have to get up and move. Even if you don’t have heart disease right now, you have to get up and move. If you do not, you greatly increase your chances of developing a heart condition sooner rather than later.
The statistics show younger populations are now at risk. The premature development of risk factors is largely to blame for heart disease invading presumably younger and healthier individuals. To stop this from happening you need the most reliable heart doctor you can find. Reason being; if the symptoms are caught early enough, heart disease isn’t only preventable, it might be almost fully reversible.
Researchers are beginning to ask the question: if heart disease is preventable or reversible in its early stages, why wouldn’t you do everything you can to see that outcome become a reality? The answer: Americans like to say they don’t have time for exercise. The most reliable heart doctor will tell you all it takes is 10,000 steps a day.
Changing Perceptions One Excuse at a Time
When a patient hears the total daily quota is 10,000 steps, they immediately start thinking of excuses that will get them off of the physical exercise hook. The patients’ favorite excuse? I simply don’t have enough time in my day to allot to that kind of exercise routine.
Remember, you’re talking to the most reliable heart doctor, excuses like that won’t fly. The doctor will break it down like this:
Posted on October 10, 2013
Find A Doctor For Hypertension In NYC
There’s a lot about heart disease that people are curious to know more about. For instance, why would a patient with heart disease need to find a doctor for hypertension? High blood pressure, and the issues that go with it, are usually handled by your general practitioner. However, if your blood pressure does not normalize or it turned out to be medication-resistant, it’s time to talk about scheduling an appointment with a doctor for hypertension.
Supplying the Nutritional needs of the Heart
Much like the rest of your body; your heart relies on the flow of oxygenated blood to function properly. That blood is pumped through your cardiac electrical system and the pressure supplied with each pulse circulates the blood throughout the muscle and the body. That pressure level is what a doctor for hypertension focuses on.
As heart problems go, hypertension may sound like a minor issue. That is, until you realize the scale of the human heart. The blood that nourishes your heart travels through the muscle using the coronary artery pathways.
These arteries are comparatively small for the large function they perform. The narrow openings allow no margin for error. That’s why, finding the right doctor for hypertension is so important. For many patients with heart disease, the zero margin for error simply can’t be met. This could be because of genetic factors or lifestyle choices that have gotten out of hand. Either way; they need professional guidance to get the condition under control. What happens if they can’t? Most likely, the outcome will result in:
Posted on October 7, 2013
Find an Affordable Cardiologist in NYC
Finding an affordable cardiologist is an issue that is on a lot of patients
Posted on October 4, 2013
Locate a Doctor in NYC for Bad Blood Pressure
A bad blood pressure doctor may seem a bit like overkill until you consider what high blood pressure means for your heart. True, it is possible for general practitioner to treat certain cases of hypertension, but once the effects go beyond what is considered naturally manageable or borderline, it is time to see a specialist.

Many patients avoid this eventuality because they do not understand the
true severity of the risk they are facing. High blood pressure causes significant, yet silent, harm to your heart. A bad blood pressure doctor is your best hope for comprehensive, long-term treatment that saves not only your heart function, but the heart muscle itself.
Read on for more information about what that truly means.
The Startling Truth about High Blood Pressure
Before we get into how to treat hypertension, let’s look at what it does to your heart.
In a healthy heart, it takes a balance of contraction and pressure to circulate the blood through the heart and into the body. A healthy blood pressure keeps your heart rate study and your profusion rate (how quickly the blood circulates through the body) stable. Your organs and internal structures receive the vital support and nutrition they need to keep going.
Patients with hypertension experience a drastic imbalance in pressure and circulation. It is normal for your heart rate and blood pressure to increase if you are under stress or highly physically active. However, this function is meant to be used in short bursts and not remain constant over a long period of time
You want your pressure to fluctuate based on your everyday activities, but a constant rate that is too high or too low can actually cause damage to the heart itself.
A link has been found between high blood pressure, sugar intake, and soft plaque in the walls of your arteries and blood vessels. It is now thought by almost every bad blood pressure doctor that the prolonged increase in pressure causes your blood flow to damage your arteries. The damage lacerates and perforates the soft lining of the arterial wall allowing soft plaque to settle within the lining. Diabetes also damages your blood’s ability to circulate properly.
Once the plaque is inside the arteries, it continues to build up until it calcifies and causes a rupture. Oddly, the rupture isn’t necessarily the dangerous part. The healing process can set off a fatal chain reaction. Your body naturally sends healing agents to the area of the rupture. The first thing these agents do is form a blood clot to seal the rupture. If the clot is big enough it can restrict or block the artery completely, causing a heart attack.
Early Detection is Prevention
Now, you have a better understanding of why a bad blood pressure doctor is necessary. They are not only looking for hypertension warning signs; they’ve also been trained to recognize the physical symptoms that precipitate a heart attack.

There are certain medications that can, for lack of better terms, act as sponges and cause soft plaque deposits to dry up, thus eliminating the threat of an arterial rupture. In addition, if you’re at high-risk for heart disease and heart attack, a low-dose daily aspirin regiment may be prescribed to thin the blood and stop clots from forming.
It is standard procedure to prescribed low-dose aspirin therapy for patients who have already had a heart attack. That being said; do not start taking aspirin without the express consent of a cardiologist or general practitioner. You are putting yourself at undue risk for internal bleeding and organ damage if you take aspirin incorrectly, prematurely, or unnecessarily.
The most difficult pill to swallow for a bad blood pressure doctor is the fact that hypertension is frequently mismanaged. It