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There are a lot of misconceptions about heart disease and the cardiac hospitals that treat heart patients. One misconception is about cardiomegaly; also known as an enlarged heart. Many people believe that it is a cardiovascular disease. In fact, it is a symptom of other heart-related conditions. This article will help clear up the confusion using factual examination.
Cause & Effect: The Laws of Cardiac Diagnostics
If an enlarged heart is the
People who are at risk for, or already have, heart disease may be asked to get an annual heart screening to help monitor their condition. In order to get the procedure done properly patients will be referred to a cardiologist. There can be a lot to cover at these appointments, so this preparation guide will help you get ready.
Pre-appointment Preparation
It is normal to feel a bit stressed or nervous the day of your heart screening. These screenings are quick, painless, and non-invasive; but if medical procedures make you anxious, try to plan ahead as much as possible. That way, you can focus on relaxation techniques.
Hypertension is another word for high blood pressure. It is used to classify the severity of the condition. A hypertension specialist works with patients to set up a treatment protocol that manages their symptoms and monitors its effects on their health. If you are a hypertensive heart patient, this article will take you through some of the basic information you should know.
What does a blood pressure reading mean?
Hypertension is high blood pressure in symptomatic patients. Most people don’t realize that there are two types of hypertension; one that is caused by lifestyle or genetic factors and one that is medically related. High blood pressure that is related to another medical condition is called secondary hypertension. This article will take a closer look at secondary hypertension.
Medical Causes of Hypertension
Secondary hypertension can be caused by:
High blood pressure is a risk factor commonly associated with heart disease. It can be difficult to diagnose, so be sure to have it checked regularly as part of your clinical check-ups. Any fluctuations in the readings can help you get the treatment you need. If you already have heart disease, your cardiology doctor will continue to monitor your pressure. There are several things that you can do-in addition to regular check-ups and specialized treatment-to lower your risk of hypertension. This article will help you learn how to take an active role in your treatment plan.
Why is taking action so important?
When hypertension is not under control, you are at risk for serious complications:
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) has gotten some high-profile press in recent years. Because of the press coverage, you may know HCM by another moniker; Athlete