Posted on May 31, 2012
Cardiologists more commonly known as heart doctors are trained medical doctors who specialize in giving diagnosis, treatment and prognosis to patients who has a heart disease.
What are the functions of a Heart Doctor?
Diagnosis-One of the first function of heart doctors is to make an assessment of your condition called a diagnosis. During this process the doctor can do any from taking your heart rate to ordering blood tests for you.
Treatment-After the diagnosis, heart doctors will make a recommendation for treatment. A recommendation for treatment can be as simple as exercising lightly for three days a week to pharmacological treatment in the form of prescription drugs. The treatment can be a combination of more than one treatment method.
Prognosis- This is the outcome you are likely to have with your heart disease. The prognosis can be made before treatment, where the cardiologist makes a prediction your overcome based on the history of other patients with the heart condition you have. Heart doctors can also make a prognosis after initiating treatment. This is normally done in set intervals of a month, three months, six month and a year after starting treatment.
When do you need to see a heart doctor?
There are certain risk factors that will decide whether you need to see a cardiologist or not. Some of these risk factors are:
- Comorbidity- Having other diseases such as hypertension and diabetes
- Age-The older you are the greater the chances of you developing a heart disease
- Not exercising enough and having a poor diet high in fat
If you have any of these risk factors, if might be time for you to see a heart doctor. Do not wait until it is too late; take your health into your hands today.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on May 29, 2012
We live in an age in which the average American is more concerned with maintaining a healthy lifestyle than was the case just a generation ago. Healthy food alternatives are everywhere. Exercise and fitness programs are more popular than ever. And the phrase heart healthy is something we have all become used to hearing.So it may surprise you to know that heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States with nearly 500,000 people succumbing to this killer each year. And what’s even more astounding than this sobering figure is that many of these people had no prior indication that they were in danger until they died suddenly from heart failure.
Yet a simple visit with a cardiac doctor for a screening examination is often all that stands between a potential sudden cardiac death candidate, and a normal life span. These medical professionals are highly trained in examining, even individuals who show no outward signs of heart disease, to determine if they too are at risk.
The highest at risk indicators for sudden cardiac death are:
- males over 40
- smokers
- high blood pressure
- diabetics
- history of fainting
If any of these risk factors pertain to you, seeing a cardiac doctor for a simple evaluation may be one of the wisest decisions you’ve ever made. There are a number of simple and inexpensive heart tests he can perform to help you get an accurate sense of whether or not a serious condition exists.Peace of mind is a wonderful thing to have about anything in life – but especially about our health. And few things about our health are more serious and important than our heart health. Whether you think you have a problem or not, if you are over 40, consulting with a cardiac doctor is one sure way to give yourself – and your loved ones – the peace of mind that comes with knowing your heart’s true condition.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on May 24, 2012
Finding the right cardiologist is something you should do as soon as you can. Heart disease is a silent killer, to use a cliche, and even that can be an understatement as heart disease shows very little symptoms before it can make its deadly strike. Fighting heart problems before they start is the key to setting your mind at ease as well as the heart itself, and a cardiologist with the right credentials and experience will be able to.
What You Should Look for in a Heart Doctor
You not only want to make sure you have a cardiologist near you, but you also want one who specializes in the type of patient you are, as this can make a drastic difference in the kind of heart problems you may develop. Locating a heart doctor who knows exactly what you’re at risk for, with knowledge of patients’ health histories and up-to-date diagnostic techniques, will ensure that you’re at the lowest risk possible. You’ll need a doctor who can monitor your blood pressure and risk for stroke or heart attack, and who can administer the latest treatments such as Atrial Fibrillation.
Don’t Settle for Inexperience
It’s not enough to have a heart doctor who specializes in specific demographics; they need experience. If a heart doctor’s history in the medical field is sketchy or has no reputation, it’s best to keep searching. Stats are as important as knowing a cardiologist works in a professional environment. Trusting someone with your heart, or any of what maintains your well-being, is a responsibility not to be taken lightly. You need to know that you can trust someone who’s partly responsible for prevention of health problems, and if they’re shown to have a background that is solid and recommendable, then this can help make the decision easier.
Heart disease, as well as other disorders and health problems, can be prevented with a practicing physician who is both experienced and right for you individually.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on May 21, 2012
It is crucial for your heart health to be proactive in recognizing the conditions and possible symptoms that may create damage to your heart or worst case, cause a deadly and fatal heart attack. A cardiologist should be consulted, especially if you find yourself in one of the several medically vulnerable health brackets that are susceptible to heart disease, have current heart problems.
Cardiologist NYC
There are certain ethnic groups like African Americans who suffer from high blood pressure and diabetes more so than other ethnicities and as a result are more susceptible to heart disease. Individuals who are overweight, or have heart disease present in their family medical history may be genetically predisposed to heart disease as well. Although family medical conditions may create a predisposition for heart disease it is important to consult with a cardiologist for professional advice and direction.
Pay Attention to Danger Signs
Far too many times, individuals who are suffering from a heart attack will ignore many of the danger signs which indicate the onset of the heart attack. If there is a sudden and continuous pain in the arm or shoulder, jaw, throat or upper chest and even in the abdomen, then it is best to call for emergency technicians or be driven to an emergency room quickly. Do not wait.
Risk Factors
It is equally important that you understand what conditions cause heart attacks. Many of the foods that are consumed contain fat which over time creates an avoidable, but steady build up of cholesterol in the arteries. The more cholesterol that builds up in the arteries, the more you are at risk for a heart attack. So start a heart healthy eating regimen to avoid this particular very avoidable risk.
Seek Professional Treatment
Many of these risk factors which create severe heart problems can be eliminated or controlled with professional intervention from a cardiologist. Be proactive and contact Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City. He offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on May 10, 2012
Cardiologists more commonly known as heart doctors are trained medical doctors who specialize in giving diagnosis, treatment and prognosis to patients who has a heart disease.
What are the functions of heart doctors?
Diagnosis-One of the first function of heart doctors is to make an assessment of your condition called a diagnosis. During this process the doctor can do any from taking your heart rate to ordering blood tests for you.
Treatment-After the diagnosis, heart doctors will make a recommendation for treatment. A recommendation for treatment can be as simple as exercising lightly for three days a week to pharmacological treatment in the form of prescription drugs. The treatment can be a combination of more than one treatment method.
Prognosis- This is the outcome you are likely to have with your heart disease. The prognosis can be made before treatment, where the cardiologist makes a prediction your overcome based on the history of other patients with the heart condition you have. Heart doctors can also make a prognosis after initiating treatment. This is normally done in set intervals of a month, three months, six month and a year after starting treatment.
Cardiologist NYC
When do you need to see a heart doctor?
There are certain risk factors that will decide whether you need to see a cardiologist or not. Some of these risk factors are:
- Comorbidity- Having other diseases such as hypertension and diabetes
- Age-The older you are the greater the chances of you developing a heart disease
- Not exercising enough and having a poor diet high in fat
If you have any of these risk factors, if might be time for you to see a heart doctor. Do not wait until it is too late; take your health into your hands today.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000
Posted on May 9, 2012
Cardiac Attack – Don’t be casual with your heart.
Heart diseases quite often do not come to the fore with any outward and noticeable symptoms and go unattended for years while getting deteriorated. You might not get them as cardiac alarms. It is not wise of you to brush them off as digestive disorders or anxiety. A heart attack is induced when the blood flow to the heart is disrupted or blocked and the heart muscle is damaged.
There are many probable conditions and symptoms that come under the umbrella of cardiac diseases. However there are few general alarming indications which lead you to heart attack and other cardiac problems that require a prompt action by you.
Common heart attack symptoms.
- Chest discomfort and pain.
- Irregular heart palpitations
- Abdominal pain in the upper region of your body
- Vomiting and nausea
- Excessive sweating with cold body
- Extreme dizziness
- Emotional disturbances and anxiety
- Breathing problems and shortness of breath
Cardiologist NYC
Despite of various treatments available for the patients,these conditions may trigger grave results. If not given due consideration these might be the last symptoms that your body shows you. There is an increased chance of suffering heart attacks among people who are exposed to several risk factors which are linked to the signs and bring forth the disease. You can reduce the risk factors by taking particular preventive measures such as diet management and weight loss.
The risk factors.
- Regular Smoking and alcoholism
- Old age- above 60 in men and above 45 in women
- Lifestyle and diet disorders
- History of high blood pressure
- Family history of cardiac diseases.
- Obesity
What you should do?
Frequent check ups and visits to the cardiologist are suggested even if you are not experiencing the pain. It is vital to realize the risk factors connected with these symptoms and get yourself checked by a cardiologist. Professional medical advice and required prescription can lessen the danger of any major coronary problem.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist inNew York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000
Posted on May 8, 2012
Why Cardiac Care? Do I need a Cardiac Doctor..Heart problems can occur at any age and may occur without warning. Heart symptoms can occur suddenly. Early cardiac care can train you to act wisely when you or a family member falls ill.
It is unfortunate that many patients ignore possible heart symptoms, are not aware of many and simply feel they would not benefit from cardiac care. Preventing heart symptoms and being aware of symptoms before they occur can make the difference between life and death.
Routine cardiac care should be a priority if you are overweight, diabetic or if heart disease is or was prevalent in your family. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough. Searching for and securing a physician for cardiac care should not be taken lightly. Seeing a medical specialist annually is a smart thing to do rather than wait for symptoms, which may never be obvious.
Finding the Cardiac Doctor
Finding a cardiac care physician is an important decision. There are many ways to research the best doctor for you. You can ask your primary care physician and friends and family for referrals. Calling your local hospitals or searching their websites online can assist you in finding the best cardiac care doctor for you or your family members.
After you find a cardiac doctor you like, you can check their education, experience and hospital affiliations online or in libraries. A doctor with a good reputation with other doctors and health care workers is a great choice. Years of experience in cardiac care will benefit you. Don’t be afraid to ask your doctor questions about your health, medications or cardiac care and express your concerns. Bring reminder notes, if necessary. A good doctor will take the time to make sure you are comfortable leaving the office and satisfied you made the right decision for your care.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000
Posted on May 7, 2012
There are a lot of milestones that correlate to a specific age or gender, but unfortunately diseases affecting the blood vessels are not one of those. Consultations with a cardiologist are normally recommended because your primary care physician suspects that you are at an elevated risk for cardiovascular disease. Heart disease affects more than 80 million people every year, so doctors are well aware of the detection and diagnosis from the early stages.
Who is at Risk?
If you have at least one immediate family member with high blood pressure or high cholesterol, this may signal your physician to refer you to a cardiologist for evaluation.
- Having a family history dealing with heart disease may be the trigger needed to prompt a visit to check how your heart functions.
However, there are certain symptoms that may alert you to the importance of seeking a cardiology consultation including:
- Pain or discomfort in your chest, which can be an indicator of narrowing arteries that provide the necessary blood flow to your heart
- Disturbances in your heart rhythm, such as palpitations or skipped heartbeats
- Short of breath, which may be a problem with your valves or congestive heart failure
- A heart attack that will necessitate continual care once the emergency has passed
- Circulation issues could mean that the heart is not pumping blood through the body properly
Getting a Referral to a Cardiologist
Whenever your primary care physician detects something that doesn
Posted on May 4, 2012
The best interventional cardiologist in New York is one who can perfectly meet your needs as a patient. Interventional cardiology, as opposed to traditional cardiology, uses minimally invasive techniques to diagnose and treat certain cardiovascular diseases. This means that interventional cardiologists have found an alternative way to treat heart problems without subjecting their patients to surgery.Interventional Cardiology Procedures
An interventional cardiologist usually performs procedures by cutting a one-inch incision over the femoral artery in your upper leg or groin area and inserting a hollow, flexible tube called a catheter into the artery. With the aid of real-time x-ray, the catheter is looped through to the problem area where various techniques can be done to get rid of the problem. Most interventional cardiology procedures are done to treat cardiovascular problems caused by plaque, hardened deposits of fat, cholesterol and calcium in the arteries.
Benefits of Seeing an Interventional Cardiologist
Patients can benefit largely from interventional cardiology largely because the procedures are not as invasive. There is often no need for general anaesthesia because most procedures involve only a small incision, which also reduces post-operative pain and risks for infection. Symptoms, such as chest pains and shortness of breath, are easily relieved and the recovery period is shortened considerably.
Do You Have a Heart Problem?
Heart disorders are a silent killer, and America’s No. 1 killer at that. Therefore, it is crucial that you should have any heart problems detected and treated long before they can grow out of proportion. There are risk factors that indicate that you might have these problems yourself.
- Is there a history of heart disease in your family?
- Do you experience chest pain or discomfort?
- Do you drink or smoke regularly?
- Do you live a sedentary lifestyle?
If you answered at least one question with yes, then you might be at risk. Don’t hesitate now. Call an interventional cardiologist and save your heart.Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
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Heart diseases remain the major causes of death in the world today. They are a serious threat to both the young and old. That fact that the signs are not obvious makes it hard to deal with these diseases, few will know they have the disease. Thus, many heart diseases come as a surprise making them hard to treat. So how do you know whether you have a heart problem? Well, you can only do this by visiting a qualified cardiac doctor.
A good cardiologist is supposed to have all the necessary accreditations including certificates, license and other awards. Basically, for you to qualify to work as a cardiologist you have to undergo thorough training that specifically concentrates on the human heart. You should also have enough knowledge of the latest technologies in the field of medicine, and most importantly cardiology.
The good thing is that there are many highly qualified cardiologists in New York that will give you the right kind of treatment. However, due to the increasing number of cardiologists in New York it is very easy for you to fall prey to the few unscrupulous cardiac doctors whose main interest is to make a buck.
What are the main reasons why you should visit a cardiologist today? First of all, you have to keep in mind the fact that your heart is the most important organ in your body. Therefore it should never experience any defects or complications. But it is normal for people to have heart problems, the more reason why you should see a qualified cardiologist once in a while.
Common Heart Problems
Coronary problem: This occurs when your coronary fails to supply sufficient blood to cardiac muscles.
Cardiomyopathy: This is caused by dysfunction of heart muscles.
Cardiovascular disease: It is a name used to refer to a number of heart problems especially ones related to veins along with arteries.
Consult with Dr. Seldon for all your heart problems.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.