Posted on February 27, 2014
Locate Best Reviewed Cardiology Heart Associates NYC
A city like New York has a lot of treatment options for health problems like heart disease. Looking for cardiology heart associates can be a little like looking for a needle in a haystack. It helps if you have a particular needle in mind before you start your search. 
This article will look at one specific example that could help patients in need find the right cardiology heart associates.
Running out of Alternatives
Certain cardiac conditions require the use of invasive procedures, no matter how you slice it. Diagnoses like coronary artery disease (CAD) and heart failure top the list.
To prolong their heart function, patients with these conditions need bypass surgery, angioplasty, stenting, circulation therapy, and other treatments that involve minor to extensive surgery. The trouble is not every patient with these conditions is eligible for surgery.
Generally, you have to be healthy enough for surgery and able to participate and comply with cardiac rehabilitation practices. Some patients simply aren’t healthy enough to withstand the surgical process.
If you find yourself among these patients, you need to find cardiology heart associates who specialize in alternative treatments. The good news is New York is a great place to find cutting-edge treatments. For instance, one approach that is experiencing a lot of success is called Enhanced External Counter Pulsation (EECP).
You might compare this new technique to a combination of enhanced circulation therapy and a preemptive modality to L-VAD dependency.
A Ray of Hope
To complete your EECP treatments, you would need to visit a specially equipped cardiac care facility. While there, you will put on a special pair of legging pressure cuffs.
These cuffs are similar to the ones you wear to test your circulation, with one primary difference: they don’t fill with air arbitrarily. The filling process is monitored by a computer and regulated to your heart rate. Patients come into a cardiac care clinic for one hour sessions and leave with better circulation and heart function.
In an average of 40 sessions, a patient can actually stimulate healthy vessel growth that replaces or circumvents diseased or blocked arteries. By squeezing the blood back toward the heart, cardiology heart associates can begin to train and improve your heart function passively rather than invasively.
The treatment may not be warranted in all cases, but it is one of the promising developments cardiology heart associates can now offer patients. The fact that your treatment options aren’t limited to surgery is exciting news for patients in need of alternatives.
Research it and start your six-week treatment.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on February 20, 2014
Top 6 Facts To Know Before Visiting a Cardiology Heart Associate
Patients visit a cardiology heart associate for a number of reasons, but it usually boils down to one of three choices: 
- Diagnostic testing
- Non-invasive treatment
- Surgery
A cardiology heart associate usually does not perform heart surgery unless they are a certified interventional cardiologist, but they can help prepare you for surgery.
The question is, is there any way to figure out what reasons fit your case before your first appointment? Perhaps the six questions asked below will help shed some light on the subject.
Testing, Treatment, or Surgery: Getting the Facts
A cardiology heart associate goes through a process of elimination for every patient before settling on the right course of action. In each case. We’ll take you through that process using these questions:
Question #1: What is the urgency of surgery?
Depending on the condition a patient arrives in, it may be necessary to immediately admit them to the closest hospital. The cardiology heart associate you came to see will still play a vital role in your case. Not only will they inform the hospital of the situation, they will contact your general practitioner, and stay in contact with the hospital as a treatment resource. You may return to see them as part of your post-surgery care plan.
Question #2: When was the last time you had a coronary evaluation?
If you were just referred by your general practitioner, this is likely your first evaluation. The results of the evaluation will dictate what happens next. If your evaluation is over two years old, it may be time to perform another one.
Question #3: Is there unstable coronary function or a major clinical risk that prohibits surgery?
If so, non-invasive treatment options like angioplasty and EECP will be used to improve your heart function.
Question #4: What do the clinical signs indicate?
This question will determine the primary course your treatment takes. If clinical indications are minor, you are most likely looking at baseline tests and long-term management of symptoms. If they are major, a different question needs to be asked before proceeding to surgery.
Question #5: How does heart function compare to clinical risk?
Intermittent changes in heart function don’t translate to immediate surgery. These changes mean that more testing is needed.
Question #6: Based on the answers to these questions, do I still need to see a cardiology heart associate?
Yes, these questions give you an idea of what to expect, but they do not replace sound medical advice and life-saving treatments. You should always get a professional opinion prior to treatment.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on February 18, 2014
How To Find The Heart Doctor That is Right For You
Out of the thousands of cardiologists that work in New York City, how do you find the heart doctor that is right for you? This is a question that every heart patient has to face at one time or another. Luckily, there are two approaches you can take to finding the heart specialist who can help you most. 
Method #1: Get a referral
This is the most common approach patients take to finding a heart doctor. Why? Getting a referral from your primary care physician eliminates a lot of questions and hurdles for you. Two of the biggest concerns for patients are:
- Is my heart doctor experienced and properly certified?
- Will my insurance cover my treatment costs?
If you get a referral from another physician, both of these questions are already answered for you.
Clinics that work with in-network specialists have to make sure those specialists are fully certified and covered by the patient’s insurance provider, before giving the referral. Given the changes in insurance coverage that are due to take effect in 2014; this will likely be the favored way to choose a specialist from now on.
Of course, there is no harm in double checking your cardiologist’s background and credentials. It can help you get a better understanding of your condition and treatment protocol.
Method #2: Contact the heart doctor directly
In some cases, you get farther by contacting a specialist directly. This is particularly helpful if you have a condition that requires the attention of a limited number of specialists.
These conditions include:
- Vascular varicosity
- Hypertension
- Problems with cardiac electrical function
- Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
- Advanced heart failure
Depending on the condition that requires treatment, you will be referred to the clinical department that will handle your case.
his approach requires extra work to make sure that the specialist you need is properly certified and covered by your insurance provider. Medical exceptions can be granted if a patient can show that treatment from a particular specialist is a matter of medical necessity. The clinic can help you prove your case to the insurance company.
Even if insurance coverage isn’t possible, there are ways to pay for treatment from an out of network provider. Talk to the clinic about your options if necessary.
It is a good idea to come up with a list of questions for your heart specialist that you can take with you to your first appointment. The answers to these questions will help you understand more about your individual condition and your chosen specialist; supporting a solid ongoing doctor-patient relationship.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on February 13, 2014
Find The Top Facility For a Treadmill Test in Manhattan
A stress or treadmill test is one of the most basic diagnostic tools used by a cardiologists. In its entirety, the test only takes a few minutes to complete, but in that time heart specialists can find out a lot about your cardiac function, rate, and rhythm. 
A Simple, Comprehensive Test
The goal of a treadmill test is to see how well your heart functions when you are active, so it can be compared to your heart rate and function at rest. The best way to do this is to have you run on the treadmill for 8 to 12 minutes.
In that time, the specialist running the test will increase the speed of the treadmill at a steady rate until you are getting a full aerobic workout. Your results on the treadmill test will be compared to other patients in your age group. A healthy heart should be able to hit and sustain an activity level of eight.
You can also add a metabolic component to a standard treadmill test. This component tests your oxygen level through a mask as you complete the test. It gives the best overall picture of the heart without overly invasive testing. Even so, a treadmill test comes with a few warnings that patients should be aware of.
Rare, but still Necessary
This is how most cardiac specialists refer to the warnings associated with the treadmill test. Although occurrences problems during a test are very rare, they still have to warn patients about certain possibilities.
You will be actively working during the test, but that does not mean you are unable to communicate. Please tell the specialist running the test if you begin to experience:
- Chest pain
- Dizziness
- Pain in the back, neck, arm, jaw
These symptoms will change the way the stress test is administered.
Remember, you are taking this test voluntarily. You can stop at any time. The best thing that you can do for everyone involved is to clearly communicate what you are experiencing physically during the test. You will be asked questions as you are completing it, but those questions don’t always cover everything. If anything concerns you at all, say something.
Cardiologists want accurate results, but not at the cost of a patient’s safety. This test may give them enough information to come up with a treatment protocol, or it may indicate that more tests are needed. Either way, it’s a good diagnostic starting point that most heart patients undergo as part of their treatment plan.
Informational consultations are available today.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on February 11, 2014
Are There Tests To Determine if I Need Heart Surgery
Almost every heart patient knows to watch out for the telltale signs of heart trouble: 
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pains
- Tightness or numbness in the upper extremities
- Nausea
- Profuse sweating
- Increased chest pain during normal activities or at rest
- Dizziness
What you may not know is that for a lot of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), a heart attack is the first indication that they have any form of heart disease.
Now What?
A heart attack can be minor or it can be severe, it all depends on what condition your heart muscle is in.
Patients who suffer a minor heart attack might not recognize that it has occurred. Chances are they will go to their general practitioner and complain of chest discomfort and difficulty breathing or dizziness. The general practitioner will immediately refer them to a cardiologist.
When you have a heart attack, your heart releases an enzyme that signals a cardiac event has affected your heart muscle. Heart specialists know to look for this enzyme in patients who complain of certain symptoms. If the tests prove that you have suffered a heart attack, the next step is to evaluate the health and damage done to your heart.
There are invasive and non-invasive measures that can indicate whether or not you need heart surgery. The non-invasive measures include things like:
- Cardiac ultrasound
- Stress test
- Heart scan
The invasive tests include:
- Cardiac catheterization
- Angioplasty
- Evaluation for assistive devices
The goal is to evaluate what condition your heart is in before deciding on a long-term plan. That long-term plan may include heart surgery and it may not.
In case of Surgery
If heart surgery is put on the table as a distinct possibility, you will talk to a heart surgeon several times prior to surgery.
During these exams, it is likely that lab work and other tests will be run to evaluate your candidacy for heart surgery. There are less invasive alternatives if surgery isn’t recommended. There are two options for restoring function to your heart surgically:
- Stents to open blocked arteries
- Coronary bypass to reroute the circulation of the heart through healthier pathways
The surgeon’s findings will dictate the approach taken.
Regardless of how well the surgery goes, you will be expected to actively participate in bettering your own cardiac health. This means completing your cardiac rehab course post-surgery.
It also means making some lifestyle and activity changes that promote better heart function. Patients who do not make these efforts sacrifice the effectiveness of their heart surgery and an improved quality of life.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on February 5, 2014
Top 5 Signs You May Need Heart Surgery
Patients can make a lot of assumptions about heart surgery. One of the most common misconceptions is that once surgery enters the conversation, you have no other treatment choice. Not only is this assumption incorrect, it can prematurely stop patients from investigating all of their options. 
5 Signs that indicate you might benefit from Heart Surgery
To put it plainly, surgery isn’t the right solution for every patient. Some patients are not good candidates due to age, risk level, or other health conditions. Other patients are more likely to respond to less invasive treatments. Open heart surgery carries risks, even for otherwise healthy patients; it is not a risk that surgeons universally recommend taking.
That said, it begs the question: are there situations where heart surgery should be seriously considered? Yes, of course. We will review the top 5 signs that you need heart surgery.
Sign #1: Your left main artery is extremely narrow. Your heart has several veins and arteries that circulate blood within the cardiac muscle and pump it throughout the body. The left main artery feeds directly into the heart. If it is restricted or blocked, then your heart is not getting the sufficient blood supply it needs to function.
Sign #2: All cardiac arteries are 80 to 90 percent restricted or blocked. At this point, your heart function has decreased to a life-threatening level. If emergent invasive action is not taken as soon as possible, you are at high risk for a stroke or sudden cardiac death.
Sign #3: The surgeon or interventional cardiologist recommends heart surgery. Heart surgeons have the training and experience to know what treatment protocol works best on a case-by-case basis. If they are recommending surgery over other treatment alternatives, it means that you will likely have more success with this approach then you would with angioplasty or stents.
Sign #4: You need surgery to address another type of heart condition, like a valve replacement. Assuming you’re healthy enough for surgery, your cardiologist may recommend addressing both problems at once. This will improve your heart function overall and put less stress on the muscle over the long-term.
Sign #5: You have diabetes, as well as two or more blocked arteries. The more risk factors you have, the greater your chances of suffering a heart attack. Cardiac surgery may be your best option to avoid this outcome.
Patients typically experience immediate relief from chronic symptoms like chest pain and pressure, but surgery is not a cure for heart disease. You also have to make long-term lifestyle changes.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.
Posted on February 1, 2014
Top 10 Facts You May Need a Heart Transplant
Organ transplant isn’t something most of us regularly talk about, but it should be. Patients go through multiple stressors during this process largely due to the fact that they simply don’t know much about it. 
To minimize the unknowns we’ve put together a list of the top 10 facts you need to know about organ transplants.
Top 10 Heart Transplant Facts
Some of this information will be basic; some will be specific:
Fact #1: Transplants are done when your functioning organ fails. Organ failure occurs when an organ stops working, doesn’t work sufficiently, is diseased, or gets damaged beyond repair. All of these reasons are motivating factors for heart transplant.
Fact #2: Not every organ is able to be transplanted. The current transplant list includes:
- Kidney
- Liver
- Small intestine
- Heart
- Lung
- Pancreas
- Parts of the eye
Different malfunctions or diseases may warrant a transplant of one or more organs.
Fact #3: It is possible to receive a multiple-organ transplant. The most common is a heart-lung transplant. If a match is found, it is best for all necessary organs to come from the same donor. This minimizes the chances of rejection and maximizes the success rate.
Fact #4: Not every patient is eligible for a transplant. A transplant specialist will put you through rigorous physical and mental tests, as well as a background check before your name is added to the transplant list. This result is not a foregone conclusion. Be prepared for increased stress during this process.
Fact #5: If approved for a heart transplant, your name will be added to a waiting list. Patients can spend weeks, months, or years waiting for an organ match. The average wait is two years.
Fact #6: Organ transplants have been performed since the 1950s. The procedure is always improving, as is the success rate. The success rate for a heart transplant is currently 88%.
Fact #7: Blood typing matters. Matching your blood type to the donor organ is what tells your body to accept it rather than attack it.
Fact #8: Continue all treatments until a match is found. Non-compliance with treatment will result in a transplant denial.
Fact #9: Drug therapy increases the likelihood of a successful transplant surgery. Once the surgery is completed, you will likely be on anti-rejection drugs for life. These drugs help the organ function properly.
Fact #10: Talk to other transplant recipients. Having a support system is vital both before and after a heart transplant. Other patients can help you through the stressful and difficult moments of your treatment.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000.