Posted on February 28, 2013
Cardiologist New York City
The fact that heart disease is prevalent in this country means that more people are in search of a good cardiologist; New York City is no exception. Heart doctors have a wealth of specialized knowledge to share, but do you know the questions to ask that will help you find the best clinic? This article will get you started by outlining 5 questions you can use to narrow your search.
1. Do all cardiologists perform surgical procedures?
No. All cardiologists know how to perform diagnostics, determine when tests are necessary, and how to handle cardiac emergencies; but it takes sub-specialty training to be a heart surgeon. If your treatment involves more invasive measures than medication and lifestyle changes, you
Posted on February 26, 2013
Cardiologists New York City
There’s been a lot of debate in the news recently about the dangers athletes face in training and on the field. Concussion-related brain injuries aren
Posted on February 24, 2013
Heart Doctor
Did you know there
Posted on February 22, 2013
Cardiologists New york
According to research from board certified cardiologists, New York City has a higher rate of cardiovascular problems per capita than any other city in the country. If you are an older New Yorker who
Posted on February 20, 2013
Cardiac Doctor
We live in an age in which the average American is more concerned with maintaining a healthy lifestyle than was the case just a generation ago. Healthy food alternatives are everywhere. Exercise and fitness programs are more popular than ever. And the phrase
heart healthy is something we have all become used to hearing.

So it may surprise you to know that heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States with nearly 500,000 people succumbing to this killer each year. And what’s even more astounding than this sobering figure is that many of these people had no prior indication that they were in danger until they died suddenly from heart failure.
Yet a simple visit with a cardiac doctor for a screening examination is often all that stands between a potential sudden cardiac death candidate, and a normal life span. These medical professionals are highly trained in examining, even individuals who show no outward signs of heart disease, to determine if they too are at risk.
The highest at risk indicators for sudden cardiac death are:
- males over 40
- smokers
- high blood pressure
- diabetics
- history of fainting
If any of these risk factors pertain to you, seeing a cardiac doctor for a simple evaluation may be one of the wisest decisions you’ve ever made. There are a number of simple and inexpensive heart tests he can perform to help you get an accurate sense of whether or not a serious condition exists.Peace of mind is a wonderful thing to have about anything in life – but especially about our health. And few things about our health are more serious and important than our heart health. Whether you think you have a problem or not, if you are over 40, consulting with a cardiac doctor is one sure way to give yourself – and your loved ones – the peace of mind that comes with knowing your heart’s true condition.
Dr. Seldon, a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City, offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site. Call us at (212) 367-8000
Posted on February 18, 2013
Cardiac Hospitals
If you are looking for cardiac hospitals, cardiologist or any information about heart health and you are living in the New York City area, then you are at the right place. It does not matter how old you are, heart problems can occur in any age group.
High-Risk Cardiac Arrest Group
The high-risk group are those who:
- Are older
- Are overweight
- Not mobile for long periods of time
- Have a history of heart problems
- Have diabetes
- Smoke
- Have atherosclerosis
You should note that some people with heart disease do not show signs and symptoms. If you ever experience or notice a family member experiencing all or some of these signs and symptoms, contact any one of the cardiac hospitals so that you can book an appointment to speak to a cardiologist.
Signs And Symptoms Of Heart Problem
- Nausea and vomiting
- Loss of consciousness
- If the person goes from pale to grayish color on the face
- Sweating, cold skin and clammy
- Lost of pulse or irregular pulse
- Heaviness in chest area
- Crushing pain that can go up the jaw and down the arm
In some instances, when cardiac arrest occurs, a person may stop breathing completely, but still have a heartbeat. This situation if not treated immediately can be very serious as the heart can stop beating. Thus a person can be declared clinically dead when the heart and lungs are not functioning, oxygen and blood are not circulated to the body and the brain.The cardiac arrest victims can have permanent damage to the organs and brain within 4 to 6 minutes of heart failure. If you notice any of the above signs and symptoms or even if you have not, and you want to have your heart checked by a cardiologist in one of the New York City cardiac hospitals, please contact:Dr. Seldon is a Heart Doctor and Cardiologist in New York City Offers same day appointments and all testing is done on site
Call us at: (212) 367-8000
Posted on February 16, 2013
Cardiology Treatment
Heart health is being redefined. New studies suggest that a
Posted on February 14, 2013
Heart Hospital
Whoever said, laughter is the best medicine, may have been onto something. A recent study conducted at an east coast heart hospital, indicates that an active sense of humor and a good dose of daily laughter do wonders for preventing and/or managing heart disease.
The Importance of Humor after Heart Disease
Heart patients know better than anyone; life after being diagnosed can be overwhelming and scary. But did you know that heart disease can steal more than your health; it can steal your laughter.
Statistics show that heart patients are 40 percent less likely to laugh in comical or lighthearted situations than people with a healthy heart. Researchers began to wonder how and why humor makes such an impact on cardiovascular problems.
They discovered that heart problems, including admission into a heart hospital, produce a particular kind of mental stress. The stress impairs the body
Posted on February 12, 2013
Heart Doc
A daily aspirin regiment can reduce your risk of a heart attack. The link between aspirin and heart attack prevention has been studied for decades, but it isn
Posted on February 10, 2013
Cardiovascular Treatments
The cause of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) was discussed in a previous article. To get the most balanced medical information possible, it